Jennifer Jangles
Friday, April 26, 2013
Buy One Get One Free
These lollipops were in the Quilts and More Summer Fall issue 2012. I have several kits left in the Etsy shop and I figure they can't stay there much longer so I am putting them on sale. Starting now, they are officially Buy One Get One Free. Unfortunately, Etsy doesn't have this option in the checkout so I will refund the second kit before I ship your order.
Even if you don't want to make a lollipop, you get a couple of squares of fabric and a 1" button. You could make a cute little zipper pouch with the supplies. Instructions for a pouch are here.
When they are gone they are gone so get them now.
Happy Friday!
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
Joining an Artist Co-op
Last week it was the tophatter auction, this week, it's a artist co-op gallery. Sometimes I do wonder if it's possible for me to say no. This has been said before on the blog and it probably won't be the last time, when it comes to business opportunities I am always willing to try something new.
Here's the story, a few weeks ago a woman from Roswell Georgia e-mailed me about an artist co-op that she was opening in May, was I interested. Roswell is a suburb of Atlanta, it's super cute, has an old covered bridge an abandoned cotton mill, and a gluten free bakery(for Fletch)!
My thoughts were:
1. I miss having a store because I love to make jewelry and display items.
2. I don't like having store hours, this way I didn't have too.
3. On my wish list, to find some local places to sell my work, this would fit the bill.
4. It was a really good reason to get to Atlanta once a month, I am very lazy about making it there.
5. My gut was telling me, if I waited, there wasn't going to be available space when it was convenient.
6. The only Dick Blick Art Supply is in Roswell and I have a bad habit of buying pencils and paints.
Good reasons right?
The boys and I drove up there last weekend to look at the space. We got there and it was packed with folks who wanted to sign up. The hitch that made me almost not sign up.... she needs the work by Saturday, this Saturday! Uh, hello, can you say Quilt Market and Surtex?
That's when my you can't say no reflex kicked in, I signed the papers. I have a little round table right up front. I'll take pictures when I go set up, and actually it won't be until Monday or Tuesday, I talked her into a few extra days, whew!
I already needed to make jewelry for Pewabic Pottery that carries my work, and I needed beads and jewelry for the Etsy shop so I just added some more. This shop is a children's boutique but will have women's gifts and accessories as well. I made some teen tiny little beads for some children's jewelry. It's weird I have never made children's jewelry, it seems like something I should have done a long time ago. I am pretty excited to try it. This is why I am always willing to try something new, you never know what will come out of it.
I'll keep you posted on my progress, it kind of reminds me of the time time I got ready for the artfair in Atlanta a few years ago, if you want to peek, the posts are below in order.
When Opportunity Knocks
Step 1: Clean Up
Yesterday Was a Good Day
Still Getting Ready
Bringing In The Back Ups
All Packed Up and Ready To Go
The Art Fair
Have a great day!
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
Table Re-Do, Painting Formica
I bought this table a few years ago at the Habitat for Humanity Store here in Athens. I am a sucker for furniture like this. It was an old preschool table with cool turquoise metal legs. It was in my studio for several years. Things have gotten "snug" in the studio so it needed to move. Nik didn't really like the table so I couldn't convince him to move it upstairs....until... I said I would paint it. Then he was interested. It's probably hard to believe he likes color more than me most of the time.

Here's a picture of the can.
Here's how the table looked before painting. There's lots of furniture out there with this surface. Good to know there's a way to paint it huh?
Here's how I painted the table.
First, I used my electric sander to "rough" up the surface. I really didn't sand a lot, just enough to take the shine away. Be sure to wipe all of the dust off before the next step.
Spray the table with the primer. Since the table was going to be a main coffee table I wanted to make sure the paint was going to stick so I sprayed several coats of paint.
Using my drywall ruler, I found the center of the table and marked an "x" on it.
Next, I marked the lines with painters tape. Notice how I didn't just make an "x" with the tape? This way I could paint two opposite sides at once. Since I would be using a lot of colors I didn't want to keep washing brushes.
Since I like things to look handmade or hand painted I didn't want super straight lines. I put a line of tape down to use it as a guide and painted up close to it but not over it.
I continued painting stripes on these two sides and then removed the tape guides.
Once the paint dried, I could tape the remaining two sides and paint them, just as I did the first two sides.
Lastly, I painted three coats of varnish on the table, let it dried and moved it up stairs.
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
Tophatter Auction Friday Night
Hey Hey! I mentioned this on Facebook the other day. I was asked to do a partner auction with Tophatter. In business, I am always up for trying new things, so I said of course! I have to admit I didn't know a lot about the site but I had heard of them. After heading to the site I saw how much fun it was. You put your name in and you get a person, who you can dress how you want, change hair color, etc for the auctions. Then you bid, just like you were at an actual auction. There's an auctioneer and the person selling is usually there as well. There's lots of chatter and bidding and winning, it's so much fun.
So Friday at 7pm EST is the time for my auction. I listed 97 items, it was supposed to be 100 but I lost three images in the process and it was waaaay to late in the night when I was listing them to take more. Okay...back on track....You can see the items ahead of time and you can even head over now and get a reminder set so they will let you know when items are up. Oh and the bidding starts at 4.00 a listing! I might be crazy.
Then the really nice folks at Tophatter did an interview/profile of me on their blog. You can read it here.
I will be at the auction so if you stop in, please say hi!
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Crochet and Beaded Flowers
Thought I would show you what I have been playing around with lately. Flowers are always a theme running through my work so when I started crocheting it was one of the first things I attempted. Then, of course, my mind started running in a million different places about what could be done with crochet flowers.
If I only had more time....
Have a great day,
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Monday, April 15, 2013
American Patchwork and Quilting Radio with Pat Sloan
Hey, Hey, today is the day! I will be on American Patchwork and Quilting Radio with Pat Sloan. You can listen live at 4:00 EST. I'm the first interview of the show. Starting tomorrow you'll be able to access the archive of the show if you're not around at four. Pat's got a great show, I love to listen to while I sew.
Today's the last day of my spring sale. I am having a Spring is Coming Sale. Enter the code springiscoming in the coupon box at the web store or the etsy shop for a 25% discount. Sale ends on Tax day, April 15th. Reward yourself with a little springy goodness. Sales ends tonight at midnight.
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Camera Love and A Sale
Hey Hey, Happy Day. I have had cameras on my mind this week. Don't know why, it just has happened. Lately, when I work I find myself having a theme, first it was owls, then foxes, and now it's cameras. They have been sculpted and painted this week. I sewed one as well but wasn't happy with how it turned out so if I can grab some free time this weekend I will attempt it again. I'm finding I really like working this way.
If you get my newsletter you were aware of my sale since Thursday. (hint, hint, you should sign up) For all of you folks who are so dang tired of winter, I am having a Spring is Coming Sale. Enter the code springiscoming in the coupon box at the web store or the etsy shop for a 25% discount. Sale ends on Tax day, April 15th. Reward yourself with a little springy goodness.
(Sorry coupon not applicable to previously placed orders, retail orders only)
Here's a little preview of the Etsy shop.
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
If you get my newsletter you were aware of my sale since Thursday. (hint, hint, you should sign up) For all of you folks who are so dang tired of winter, I am having a Spring is Coming Sale. Enter the code springiscoming in the coupon box at the web store or the etsy shop for a 25% discount. Sale ends on Tax day, April 15th. Reward yourself with a little springy goodness.
(Sorry coupon not applicable to previously placed orders, retail orders only)
Here's a little preview of the Etsy shop.
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Not So Spooky Halloween Fabric
A few days ago I gave you a peek at my new Christmas fabric called It's Christmas! and it will be out in June. There's was also a promise of what's to come in July. It's a Halloween fabric line called Not So Spooky Halloween. Here's a snippet of the line to see the whole line you can head over to the In The Beginning Website to see the whole shabang.
This was a fun line to design because I have to admit I've never been a huge Halloween person. But after emerging myself into the idea and drawing tons and tons of ideas out on paper. I really got in to it. Now, I've got some fun decorating and quilting ideas in my head that I'll be sharing down the road with you. The first thing on my list is this quilt in the Not So Spooky Fabrics.
Have a great day,
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Okey Dokey Owl and Friends Applique Quilt Pattern
If you're just getting started in quilting, applique is a great first project. There's a lot of freedom in the way you assemble and sew your blocks, which means there's not a lot of exact measuring. :)
Also on another quilting note... This Monday I will be a guest on Pat Sloan's American Patchwork and Quilting Radio Show. Pat puts on a great show if you've never listened before. I love to listen on my iPod whiles I work. You'll be able to listen after the show is live as well. I'll be sure to get you a link as soon as it's available.
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A Little Coffee and Hello
Hey Hey,
Just dropping in for a quick hello. How's everyone doing out there? I don't know about where you live but geez louise, my allergies are in a tizzy! Pollen is everywhere. It makes enjoying the warm weather hard. Hoping in another week things will have calmed down.
In the meantime, I'm making new beads, more mini buttons all for the Etsy shop, hopefully by Friday.
Hop you're having a happy spring!
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Sunday, April 7, 2013
It's Christmas! Fabric
Waaay back last spring I started designing this fabric. It's so funny how this fabric designing world that I am a part of works. But anyway, It's Christmas! will be here in June. That's super soon, since it's April. I wanted to give you a sneak peek before it heads to stores.
I am starting early this year, planning out my projects, that way when the fabric arrives I am ready. I love those stripes and really want to use them in a border.
I have a list of fabric stores on my blog that carry or have carried my fabrics. There's really no way of me knowing who has what, but I encouraged you to contact them if you're interested. Most of the time, if the owner's hear someone is interested in getting a certain fabric, they are happy to order it.
If you're a store owner and I don't have you listed, please oh please, send me your name and info and I will add it to the list.
So It's Christmas! comes in June, give me a few days and I'll show you what's coming in July.
Have a great day,
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Friday, April 5, 2013
Pin Cushions and Fairy Gardens
I made these little miniatures for pin cushion toppers a few weeks ago. They have a flat little base and two holes. You can sew them on to the top of any pincushion. It's also starting to warm up here, so I've been thinking about my gardens. On my list of garden plans is a few fairy gardens for the front steps. I've been pinning a lot of them on my Pinterest lately, checking out how the are arranged, etc.
Let me back up, if you're wondering what a fairy garden is... It's basically a miniature garden, usually in a pot. Plants are used to look like trees and supposedly a fairy would live there. Personally, I'm not much of a fairy person, so I would like to think a frog or a snail might live in mine.
Anyway, I decided that my pin cushion toppers would work just as well as a fairy garden accessory. So I'm making more, playing with some other garden-y things as well for the pots. I'll show you when I'm finished...promise.
Have a good day!
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Surtex 2013
Surtex is the big show when it comes to licensing your work. I have debated for years about having a booth. It's a ton of money but great exposure to lots of companies. Now that Kimberly Montgomery and I are working together, my work will be at the show. The dates are May 19-21 and we're in booth 465.
Above is the postcard we're mailing to some prospective companies and in the next month, I'm going to be working very hard to get my portfolio stocked up with art. I'll do my best to post some paintings as they are finished.
Have a great day,
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Above is the postcard we're mailing to some prospective companies and in the next month, I'm going to be working very hard to get my portfolio stocked up with art. I'll do my best to post some paintings as they are finished.
Have a great day,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Crochet on Pinterest
Can I share my Pinterest Boards with you? My Crochet Board is my favorite right now, please tell me your favorite in the comments, I would love it follow it.
Have a good day,
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