Here are the photos of the botanical garden I promised. It was such a cool place! Fairchild Botanical Gardens is the official name if you are ever going to be in Miami, don't miss it. Look at these colors!
I really love visiting botanical gardens and aquariums. Actually I live just around the corner from the Georgia Botanical Gardens and I visit often. But I have to say I am a sucker for palm trees and other tropical plants. I guess it's the clean lines and fun colors that attract me.
Also, I don't want to be one of those bloggers that apologizes when it's been a long time since a post. But here goes my explanation on the lack of posting. It's spring. I get really busy in the spring and my top priority is getting my orders out. So if I am not posting as often, it's because I am in the studio making and glazing beads.
Gotta go make more beads now....