Hey, Hey, I am back! Whew, I really got back Wednesday, but I had to take a few days to rest and fight off a cold. I am rested and almost organized again. I was really excited to come to work today, and it's Monday. Anywho, Quilt Market was fantastic and I wanted to show and tell you all about it.....

My mom and I drove to Houston, it was about a 13 hour drive from Athens, GA to Houston, TX. I could not ship all of the things I needed to Texas without it costing a small fortune. We got to drive through parts of the country where I have never been. I have been to New Orleans and Houston before but always via airplane, with driving you get to see so much more. Here we are driving through a bayou, how cool is that?

We took a five mile detour and had dinner in Biloxi. Ah, shrimp boats... you know I would be a shrimper if I weren't an artist. Kind of weird because I am a vegetarian. I just really like boats and water. I have a shrimp boat Christmas ornament on my tree every year. Okay back to quilt market because in reality I'm an artist, which isn't to bad of a gig either!

Here's a shot from an upstairs window of the convention center. You can't even see my booth from here, this show is gigantic!

Here is my booth, all finished. Love the red carpet...not. I was pretty happy with the display. The hard walls were a pain in the rear. I think they will now be turned into studio tables. Next time I will figure something else out.

Here are a few closeups, I swear I took more but I am not finding them. I wanted to show you some super cool pillows I made, but I guess I will have to re-photograph them.

A play village made with my
Home Sweet Home Pattern. Which by the way, my patterns were a big hit. Thanks to everyone who ordered them. They are shipping today!

My little ottoman, this is the piece that sent me to
the doctor. Remember the screw driver in my hand incidence? This is what caused it. But it's cute, right?

My super nice neighbors Izzy and Ivy patterns.

My mom being so kind and sharing her coffee with Mark Lipinski.

Jennifer Jangles buttons at the E.E.Schenck booth. Don't you just love that little tree that Voni made?

Here's a shot with me and Sara and Mary from the
Intown Quilters shop. They are in Decatur Georgia, so they are not to far from me. If you ever get a chance to go to their shop, take it. It's so bright and fun but as a warning, bring lots of money. I always want everything there.

Here's a cute quilt by
Karie Patch Designs. Check out the flip flops, they have my buttons on them!

I got to spend a lot of time with the folks at
In The Beginning Fabrics, our booths were across from each other. We always do a lot of phone talking, e-mailing , and faxing, but it was so much fun to spend three days together in person. Here is Paula modeling the bag she made with my fabric. Everyone wanted to that one home. Below is a Happy quilt that hung in their booth.

All in all the show was a great success. It was so exhausting and I can't believe there is another one in six months. I am hoping I have recovered by then.
Missed you guys!