Whew, what a week it's been a bit of a whirlwind here. I have become really good at doing things at the last minute. In the past, I have shut down or given up, I don't work well under pressure. But I might not be able to say that any more, I might work well under pressure now. I wrapped the teachers gifts for the last day of school, five minutes before my boys were getting on the bus and I was baking a cake as I was making my coffee for the Birthday party we are having tonight. I still have goody bags and decorating to do, but it's work time now. The best part is I am not stressed. Wahoo!
I was going to have shots from the studio again today but we are doing all kinds of work in the basement, the garage, and the glaze studio this weekend so I thought I would wait. I am sooooo excited, I have a brand new slab roller coming on Monday! For those of you who are thinking, why is she so excited? Let me explain.... A slabroller is basically a giant rolling pin mounted to a table, it has a big ol steering wheel that you turn and you can roll out perfect pieces of clay just the right thickness and pretty darn fast. Now remember I made tiles for seven year and have been making beads and buttons for ten( some of those years overlap) any who, only once for about a year did I have a slabroller. My friend loaned it to me but then she decided she wanted it back. It's quite ridiculous, that I have been using a rolling pin all of these years. My shoulders and back are going to be so dang happy.
So my baby comes on Monday, I think I will need to name it, and so we are doing a bit of a studio redo to fit everything in. My hubby is being very gracious and letting me take over yet another part of the house. As a side story, when we were first married and I was starting my tile table business we were living in a one bedroom attic apartment and I started using our bed to hold my drying tiles and the front room at any given time at 30 coffee tables in it. Nik's a trooper, but don't tell him that!
Boy, I am full of words today! I got to go out with my friend
Genevieve last night and it was lots of fun. We talked shop and other things at a beautiful rooftop bar. Maybe that's why I am so talkative.
Oh, the pictures....this is a necklace made up with some of the new work I added to my
Etsy shop this week. My camera didn't do it justice, the colors are so pretty.
Have a great day!