Have a great day!
Don’t forget kits are included in this sales and they have everything you need (except tools) to make the jewelry pictured on the website. The make a great gift for someone just starting out beading or an experienced beader. They come packaged in these cute boxes with ribbon. Plus don’t forget, my free gift wrap offer too.
Everything in the Etsy shop and everything ceramic on my website is 25% off. Here are the details…
Etsy sale…If you haven’t been to my shop before, you will notice my beads are different designs or color combinations than what is on my website. They usually come in a set or with coordinating beads. So if you are afraid of putting colors together, this is your place. I also have finished jewelry, ornaments, and gifts there. For the next four hours you will get 25% of the price shown. I will credit the 25% back to you once I receive your order. The best part of Etsy is the beads are in stock. I will ship your order tomorrow.
Etsy Buy Handmade Jangles |
Jangles Website….Everything ceramic is 25% off, this does include kits and bead mixes. Really, it just excludes the accents and glass beads. I have a lot of beads in stock right now and I will try to ship your order as fast as I can. It usually takes me a week to get orders out if I need to make beads. You can always e-mail me if you are in need of beads by a certain date. I always try to get everyone their stuff when they need it.
So go ahead and look around…don’t forget I am here so by all means if you have a question ask away.
If you have a wholesale account with me. please e-mail me for the detail's of your sale.We have a winner! Debby Beck, you are the winner of the bead box. I will mail out your prize tomorrow. Congratulations!
Didn’t win? There is still one more drawing tonight and then the big one tomorrow. The next prize is a set of holiday ornaments. These are fun ornaments for your tree or wherever you want to hang them. You get the ones shown in the photo, but here is a picture if one I took in my yard. I stand by this little tree everyday when I fetch with my dog. I am always careful to not let Otis trample it because I want it to grow up to be big. But for the time being, it reminds me of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. It really needed an ornament, now if it would just snow here in
If you have already sent your name into me, don’t worry you are still in the drawing. If you haven’ sent me an e-mail or a comment, what are you waiting for, get your name in. The drawing will be at 10:00.
Side Stories…Getting ready for Christmas..more resons why I am a Holiday nut
My best friend, Tarin, and I would start out getting ready for the holidays early and earlier every year when we were little. We would start in September making our paper chains that would count down the days until Christmas. We would also have sleep over’s and practice sneaking out to see what Santa had brought us on Christmas. We would have flash lights and walky talkies and would compare notes on how to do this at each others houses.
These days at my house, my boys are 5 and 7 and so far I have had to wake them up every year to see what Santa has brought them. I just don’t know where I went wrong…is it because they are boys or is it just that there mom is crazy? I remember starting at 4:00 and waking my parents up every half hour until they would finally let us get up at 6:00.
Everything in the Etsy shop and everything ceramic on my website is 25% off. Here are the details…
Etsy sale…If you haven’t been to my shop before, you will notice my beads are different designs or color combinations than what is on my website. They usually come in a set or with coordinating beads. So if you are afraid of putting colors together, this is your place. I also have finished jewelry, ornaments, and gifts there. For the next four hours you will get 25% of the price shown. I will credit the 25% back to you once I receive your order. The best part of Etsy is the beads are in stock. I will ship your order tomorrow.
Etsy Buy Handmade Jangles |
Jangles Website….Everything ceramic is 25% off, this does include kits and bead mixes. Really, it just excludes the accents and glass beads. I have a lot of beads in stock right now and I will try to ship your order as fast as I can. It usually takes me a week to get orders out if I need to make beads. You can always e-mail me if you are in need of beads by a certain date. I always try to get everyone their stuff when they need it.
So go ahead and look around…don’t forget I am here so by all means if you have a question ask away.
If you have a wholesale account with me. please e-mail me for the detail's of your sale.I tried to get several of these bracelets made for the open house, they have been my most popular in the Etsy shop. They have one of my ceramic toggles and three of my medium ceramic beads. Then I add a little bit if everything to the bracelet. These bracelets have glass, shell, wood, nuts, and more. I don’t use plastic beads in my work. I have some funky hoop earrings to match in the shop also.
Have fun looking and don’t forget I am here for questions.
Next hours door prize is this fabulous box of beads. There’s just a little bit of everything in this box. You can take a look at the pictures and see what’s included. It should get your creative juices flowing.
I thought I would share another recently added item to the Etsy shop. My hair sticks. There were featured in Simply Beads this month. I like to wear these; my sticks are shorter than what’s usually used. They don’t stick out so far. Sometime those sticks can be pokey to others, they are so long. My sticks are about four inches plus the doo dads on the ends. I usually use two but one would work just fine.
So if you pay any attention to my blog you have probably figured out I love the Holidays. I get pretty excited about stuff, sometimes too excited. So over the years I have had some pretty funny and not so funny stuff happen. I thought I would share some of these stories with you….
When I was about 10, I was getting Christmas punch out of peculator and pushed so hard on the handle it tipped over and burnt my hand. I had to have it medicated and wrapped for a few days after that.
The following year, at our Christmas ever dinner, I stuck a fondue fork straight out of the hot oil into my mouth; I have blisters for a week after that. That same Christmas our friends were about to come down for a party. Our artificial tree that had seen better days, had tons of presents under it, my mom asked me to pull out the presents for the party. I did but I guess I pulled to hard, because the tree went crashing over onto the coffee table. The crash broke almost all of my great grandma’s antique glass ornaments. Oops!
I did have a few years free of mishaps but when I was in high school, it was the last day of school before Christmas break. It was snowing really hard and the phone rang at 6:00 am, it was my friend calling to tell me school had been cancelled. I not being a morning person went running for the phone half asleep; I caught my foot on the floor heater ad broke my toe. Good thing I got out of school that day.
So the most recent mishap, which was my most costly, was a few years ago. My boys were little and we were on or way out to drive around and look at
Everything in the Etsy shop and everything ceramic on my website is 25% off. Here are the details…
Etsy sale…If you haven’t been to my shop before, you will notice my beads are different designs or color combinations than what is on my website. They usually come in a set or with coordinating beads. So if you are afraid of putting colors together, this is your place. I also have finished jewelry, ornaments, and gifts there. For the next four hours you will get 25% of the price shown. I will credit the 25% back to you once I receive your order. The best part of Etsy is the beads are in stock. I will ship your order tomorrow.
Etsy Buy Handmade Jangles |
Jangles Website….Everything ceramic is 25% off, this does include kits and bead mixes. Really, it just excludes the accents and glass beads. I have a lot of beads in stock right now and I will try to ship your order as fast as I can. It usually takes me a week to get orders out if I need to make beads. You can always e-mail me if you are in need of beads by a certain date. I always try to get everyone their stuff when they need it.
So go ahead and look around…don’t forget I am here so by all means if you have a question ask away.
We have a winner! Tonight’s first winner is Susan Gunderson. I will mail out your prize tomorrow Susan. Congratulations!
Didn’t win? There are still three more drawings tonight and then the big one tomorrow. The next prize is the hoop earrings. They are lime green and royal with black polka dots. They go great with jeans or a black suit. These hoops are approximately an inch in diameter.
If you have already sent your name into me, don’t worry you are still in the drawing. If you haven’ sent me an e-mail or a comment, what are you waiting for, get your name in. The drawing will be at 8:00.
Free gift wrap! Tonight anything you purchase will be gift wrapped for free if you would like. Either put it in your comments box or send me an e-mail and I will wrap it up.
Here’s a fun fact about me…I won grand champion in 4-h for my gift wrapping. Who knew it would come in handing later in life? However, I can't promise grand champion quality tonight, but I will do my best.
I promised lots of giveaways for tonight and here we go! Every hour I will be giving away a prize. To be included in the drawing, send me an email or comment in my blog and I will put your name on a piece of paper and stick it in the bowl.
I also have a grand prize drawing for a 50.00 retail gift certificate. Anyone who places an order tonight during the open house will be entered to win. I will announce this winner tomorrow on my blog.
The first door prize for tonight is these four bead mixes. You get the four colors you see here. They are great for mixing in with my Jangles beads. You can see them here in my website. Each box contains abut 36 inches of beads.
Get your names in now; I will be announcing the winner at 7:00.
Hey there, Welcome to my first ever online open house. I am so excited to get this started. I have been planning and working on new things for a few months now. Hopefully, there won’t be any computer glitches tonight and everything will go smoothly. I hope you brought your cookies and punch and are wearing your jammies. I know there are a few wild women(Suzanne) out there with their wine…I will be joining you soon. :)
Now onto the real reason you are here! The sale right? Before we get started I want to say a few things…I have never ever put my beads on sale. But tonight is different; I want to thank you for being my loyal and faithful customers. It’s like my gift to you, my Christmas gift. Okay, here are the details….
Everything in the Etsy shop and everything ceramic on my website is 25% off. Here are the details…
Etsy sale…If you haven’t been to my shop before, you will notice my beads are different designs or color combinations than what is on my website. They usually come in a set or with coordinating beads. So if you are afraid of putting colors together, this is your place. I also have finished jewelry, ornaments, and gifts there. For the next four hours you will get 25% of the price shown. I will credit the 25% back to you once I receive your order. The best part of Etsy is the beads are in stock. I will ship your order tomorrow.
Etsy Buy Handmade Jangles |
Jangles Website….Everything ceramic is 25% off, this does include kits and bead mixes. Really, it just excludes the accents and glass beads. I have a lot of beads in stock right now and I will try to ship your order as fast as I can. It usually takes me a week to get orders out if I need to make beads. You can always e-mail me if you are in need of beads by a certain date. I always try to get everyone their stuff when they need it.
So go ahead and look around…don’t forget I am here so by all means if you have a question ask away.
If you have a wholesale account with me. please e-mail me for the detail's of your sale.Make sure to keep checking back to the blog. I will be posting new posts all night long…next post is about the door prizes and it will be coming soon.