Hey Hey,
I just found out that I am going to get to paint my studio this weekend! Wahoo. Not that I am really excited about painting, it's more that I am excited to get things back to normal. I scored a paint chip fan book thingy at a thrift sale last weekend. I bought it just to have all those colors in one place, I thought it could be handy for designing fabric. It never crossed my mind that I might actually use it for selecting paint. I found myself searching through it last night. I think I came up with a pretty cool combo. More on that later...
In the meantime, I have been thinking about the things I like and don't like about my studio. It's not that anything was really bad, it's just here's my chance to tweak things. In the last studio I did a lot of painting on the walls. I have some big flowers painted on one wall, some stripes, and some dots. I have found that it really gets lost in there. Plus, I found myself always rearranging to not cover up certain elements. This time the walls will be solid and then the focus will be more on what's in the place.
I also found I have no where to store finished projects. When it was jewelry only, I had a tabletop with some stands and that was enough to hold and display it. Now that I have been doing more mixed media and sewing, the projects are bigger and piling up. I need some shelves.
The lighting has never been good. Since I had an electrician in the studio the other day we spoke about my lighting options. I am going to go look tonight and see what I can find. but I am thinking track lights.
I would also like a giant bulletin board. When I was designing my first line of fabrics I found myself taping printed papers out in any flat surface. I need to let things hang for awhile so I can walk by and think about them. I also would like a place to hang quilts in progress. I am thinking a big foam board covered in flannel would double as a bulletin board and a quilt layout board.
And one last thing, I need a better sewing area. I am hoping for some kind of sewing table on wheels. Something gigantic. I find myself using my big studio table all of the time for the project du jour. I would like a couple big tables like that so I can have more than one thing going on.
Now fitting all of these things in to my studio is going to be difficult. I am guessing there will be lots of rearranging to get it right.
Whew! Let's see it's Friday and sometimes I do a give away but let's do something different today. How about 25% off of retail sales in the Etsy shop? I will take the discount and send you an updated invoice or I can credit your paypal account with the 25%. The sale will run through until Monday at 6:00 am.
Have a great weekend!