Hello, Hello,
I was very productive yesterday and got to check a lot of things off my list. What a good feeling. Because I was so good yesterday, I am taking it easy today. I'm blogging this morning and then I am going to go do some drawing at a coffee shop and then see where the day takes me. Fridays are always supposed to be my design day but for some reason the last three or four have been taken up with other things.
So let me tell you what all I have been working on this week. First of all, the store. Looky there...I have some things to sell. It's still pretty bare, but some work is better than none. I have been painting and glazing away this week. I have three kiln loads of pottery to fire over the weekend and some other things drying. Monday, shelves should be filling up around here. I just am happy to see all my bright colors instead of all the white.

The other big task I got accomplished yesterday was in my
Etsy shop. I have been wanting to get my buttons in there for a long time. There are so many choices, I wasn't sure of the best way to list them. I think I have come up with a solution with a "you pick the color" kind of thing. Anyway they are up. Let me know if you find this way difficult.

I also got some fabric cut up and packaged for kits for my
Daisy Pin Cushion Pattern. I put some of those in my Etsy shop too.

Last but not least, with all the Etsy shop updates...I put a handful of my
little dishes in the shop. I just put a few so I could save some for the shop shelves.
I have been working hard this week behind the scenes on my
website too. It's probably going to be another week before it's up and running though. It's now my job to arrange products, add new items, etc. It has a whole new look and I can't wait to show you.
Not that this is a very big update but for some reason, my follow me link disappeared from my blog awhile ago. I added it back today, you'll find it at the bottom of the list on the right hand side of the blog.
So all this hard work his week has been because next week I will be taking it easy. I have to have surgery... on my thyroid. Half of it has to be removed or maybe all of it and then I will be recovering. Sorry if I am grossing you out, I get queasy talking about it. I am not good with hospital stuff. If I were reading this blog I would have to stop now...so I won't say anything else.
Here, I will leave you with some pretty pictures to take your mind, and definitely my mind, off of the above.
Have a great day!