The big night will be April 1st...more details to come in the next few days, but circle that day on your calendar now.

Here are the official rules to the Jangles Creative Celebration Design Contest.
Send me your best jewelry designs using Jangles beads. When the contest closes Jangles will be having a online open house to celebrate and show off all of your creations. The best part, there are prizes!
First Place
A 100.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
Second Place
A 50.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
Third Place
A 25.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
A 100.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
Second Place
A 50.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
Third Place
A 25.00 Jangles Gift Certificate
Entries are officially being accepted today and will be accepted until March 27th, 2009.
To enter please email me at with the following:
1. An image of your fabulous jewelry containing Jangles beads. It must have at least one Jangles bead in the piece. It must be your original work which you own the rights to. Pieces can be necklaces, earrings, or bracelets. The image should be a jpeg. and 1000 pixels in either height or width. A neutral background is always you're best bet for photographing jewelry. Don't freak out, this is supposed to be fun.
2. Please include your name, any contact information you would like posted on the blog. Examples, blog addresses, Etsy shops, can't pass up free advertising if you have a business. You don't need to have a business to enter the contest.
3. Materials list for the entry.
4. A bit of background info. This can be either about you, your inspiration, or your design, whatever you feel you would like to say about your piece.
You may enter up to three entries, please make sure to send only one entry per e-mail. Incomplete entries will be disqualified. Judging is based on originality, craftsmanship, and aesthetics. Judging will be by me, Jennifer Heynen, and two other non Jangles judges.
Once I receive your entry, I will send you a quick e-mail letting you know I have received it.
Good luck and have fun.
I don't know how I missed the first time you posted about this...Luckily, I already came up with an idea :o) Woo-hoo! Fun with Jangles Beads :o)