One week till school starts around here. I have to say it's been a wonderful summer with my boys. We have had tons of fun, I am actually sad for them to go back to school. I might change my mind by next week though...ha ha
Back to school time gets me thinking about a new start. It's always a good time for me to re-evaluate things. My shows are finished for the year and I have recovered from them( they are exhausting). I have all sorts of fun and exciting and new things planned for fall.
First of all, I have a few new classes in in the works. Still don't know dates or times so I will let you know when I know.
Second, is the very exciting ten weeks Holiday projects, this was so much fun and popular last year I am going to do it again this year. Yep, I am working on the projects as week speak. I did notice a popular craft store the other day is selling Christmas decorations, so I am not crazy to be thinking about it. Well' okay' maybe a little crazy, but I do love the holidays. More to come on these projects soon.
Third, see that little picture above? It's a sneak peek at what's coming for fall at Jangles. Writing my book really got the wheels churning in my head. I am exploding with new ideas. As a result of my exploding brain, I have some new beads for the fall. Nice warm, but still bright Jangly fall beads. I am super excited about them. I am making some now, as soon as I can get a good amount together they will arrive at my Etsy store and another online store (can't mention where that is yet, but it's not mine). More to come on that.
Whew! That's a lot. So to sum this all up stay tuned, sign up for my newsletter, and get ready for fall....it's going to be fun.