
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bead Trends Bracelet

Natasha Lutes created this bracelet for the latest issue of Bead Trends. Don't you love it? That's my blue flower bead in focal. You can see more of Natasha's work on her Facebook page.  She's one crafty lady.

So what's up? I feel like I don't know what's going on in the world, it's been deadline central around here. Throw in spring break, a million allergy doctor appointments and it's pretty much non stop go go. I can't complain though, I have been finishing up some fun stuff. I turned in two new sewing patterns to the printer yesterday, woohoo. These babies have been a long time coming. They just kept getting pushed back for timing issues. But now, the timing is perfect. Once they are back, I will share with you my patterns.

Back to the last paragraph about allergy doctors. We recently found out that Fletcher is allergic to wheat, corn, and peanuts! When you throw in the fact that we are vegetarians, food gets real complicated around our house. We are constantly at the grocery store looking for new options and then constantly at the doctor for more in depth testing.

Okey Dokey, it's back to work for me.... I promise to be back real soon,

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1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to see your new patterns. I am amazed at how much you do in art and having small children..Love Love Love your fabric. Hugs, Diane


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