
Friday, August 7, 2015

Wonky Striped Improv Quilt Block

Hello, Hello, I'm going to start a new weekly post on the blog featuring quilt blocks. Every Friday I will feature a new quilt block, I got a little carried away with my first few blocks and the tutorials. I even sewed up a mini quilt with nine wonky blocks. Wonky blocks are my favorite for a couple reasons. The first reason I like wonky blocks is that there no measuring. The second, they are a great way to use up scraps. The third, which kind of goes back to measuring, is that you can make them any size you would like. 

So were going to start today with the striped block. Some quilters call them strings. The blocks in my mini quilt are all 4 inches when finished, just in case you want to make them the same size. In this case I wasn't using small scraps so I cut some squares to roughly 6 inches in size to allow for seam allowances, etc.

I stacked up two of the blocks and cut them in to four strips. You could cut them straight or at an angles. Yay for wonky blocks! It doesn't matter.

Sew two strips together with right sides facing and a 1/4" seam allowance. Do this for as many sets as desired.

Press them open In my case I wanted every other strip to be white so I had to put them together in order. If you're going scrappy, then the strips can be sewn any way you like.

Press all of the seams open and trim the block to the desired size you would like. I'll be next week with a new wonky quilt block. In the meantime, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, I'll be showing you more striped or string blocks this week. If you sew any up your self, be sure to tag me #jenniferjangles so I don't miss it.

Have a great day,

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