
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Studio Pics and Hello

Hello, Hello,
Thought I would just pop in and say I am still alive. It's been a while since I've blogged. The holiday projects take all of my energy and I love every bit of them, but when they are over I need a break. So that's where I've been for the past few weeks, taking a break. A lot of times we go to Florida after Christmas, but this year we decided to stay home. We've got a big trip out west planned this summer in Lucy and well, she's not even close to being finished. I'll do a post soon on her, so far there hasn't been much fun stuff to look at. 

I also did some much needed cleaning and organizing of my studio. The place looked like a tornado hit it. I'm lucky to have a great studio, but I am outgrowing it. We had some talks over the break about options, and I am excited about what we came up with, but the changes will be down the road. So in the meantime, I got some organizing baskets. 

These are helping me see my embellishments easier

Here's the Etsy Shop Wall...

We'll see how long it stays this way :)

Have a great day,

Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook


  1. Your workshop looks like what I imagine a Wonka craft shop to look like:) Creating magic!

    1. That's awesome to hear, that's what I would want it to look like, just never thought of it that way.

  2. Love the baskets! Where did you find them?

    1. Hi Phyllis,

      I got all those metal storage baskets at Hobby Lobby. I don't know about you but I have to be able to see what I have, and I am not good at putting things back in little boxes. Baskets are the only way my studio will stay clean.


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