
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hey, Hey

Hey, Hey, Happy Fall! My leaves all fell of their trees yesterday, I can't see my driveway it's buried. It's okay though, because this weekend we start putting up our Christmas lights. Don't worry, we don't light them until after Thanksgiving, I just like to have them all ready to go. We have a lot of fun putting them up every year. Then my dad comes to visit and sees how many plugs I have going into one socket and is in shock that my house is still lit. I'm a bit like Clark Griswold.

Here's my favorite quote from that cheesy movie that I love, "Is your house on fire, Clark?" "No Aunt Bethany, those are just the Christmas lights"

So anyway, you can see my lights better without all of those leaves.

For those of you looking for discs for the necklace above, they are back in the Etsy shop today. Boy they went quick last week.

Have a good day!

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  1. Good morning! Went to your Etsy shop to buy a necklace...none there! Are they already sold out??? I love those deeply and truly!

    Wistful wave from Bev

  2. Did you want the necklace in the photo? I usually just list the supplies, but I have this one and will happily list it. I will let you know when it's up and then you can decide if you would like it.

    Have a great day Bev!


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