
Thursday, September 13, 2012

About Me

Hey Hey! How are you? I'm having a hard time waking up today....still sleepy. I am sitting on my porch loving this fall air and drinking my coffee. Maybe I'm not sleepy at all, maybe I just really want to sit on this porch all day.

Today is a big sewing day. I just got samples of my Extraordinary World fabric that officially arrives next month. Right now, I just have tiny pieces called strike-offs. These are for checking to make sure the colors are correct before the mill prints all of the yardage. Sometimes in the pattern business, you have to use it to sew up your patterns if you want them out on time. got it that's what I'm doing today. If you follow my instagrams, or tweets or Facebook posts I'll snap some photos today while I'm sewing to give you a sneek peek. You can find all of the widgets on the sidebar of my blog or my username on all three is jenniferjangles.

Oh ya, totally forgot, I also have to install a new kitchen faucet. Ours has been leaking and I called my dad last night to see how I could fix it. If left to my own ideas, I would use polymer clay and duct tape. No joke, thats how I fixed my bathroom sink 2 years ago. By the way, it still works. My dad said I have to replace this one. Instead of waiting to get a new faucet, I ripped out the old one last night, now I have no choice but to get a new one today. Yep, that about sums up how I work.

I just added a new About Me page to my blog. If you want to see the kids, my dogs, and here my business story this is the place to head.

Have a great day!

Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, or Facebook


  1. You, my dear, are always adorable. And although I knew a lot about that information, I found some new nuggets that were ahas for me! I love that you have followed your passion wherever it may lead and that you had an absolute certainty that it was right for you. I am still working on that. At 44. Maybe by 45 I will have done something about that. ;-) Thanks for sharing all the fun stuff! Oh, and if I weren't doing what I do (what is it that I do again?) I think I would be a Broadway actor and singer! Or a radio personality! ;-)
    Enjoy the day. Erin

    1. Oh Erin,I think you have things figured out more than you give yourself credit for. I do follow my passion, but by no means do I think I have things figured out. I love that you would be a radio personality or actress, that's great! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey I only succeeded in adding your's to my blog list. I wanted to add your "button " and tried to add it as my own gadget but failed. I have the "prize " for your contest in a box ready to mail . I have to stay on top of things out here in dial up land.

  3. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story. I love your products and wondered where I will be able to buy your new fabric when it comes ou. Please let me know. I just live over the border in Alabama.

    Take care and I can't wait to buy some fabric.


    1. Hi Debbie,

      On the sidebar of the blog is a list of fabric stores that carry my fabric by state.

      I'll be in Montgomery in November doing a meet and greet, do you live near? I'll put more details on my blog once I know them.

      Have a great day,


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