
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Color Choices

Hi there! 
 I've been working on some new designs and I need some certain colors. Glazes are tricky things and if you don't have the exact color you need well then you have to mix it. Sounds easy enough, but here's where the problem lies. Glazes look different in the bottle than when they come out of the kiln. I spent yesterday finding finished glaze samples of the two colors I wanted to mix together. Then I would think how much green do I want to add to the blue? I would add it and then have to go with my gut on whether it was going to come out of the kiln like I was hoping for. Geez, I used a lot of brain cells yesterday. Now the kiln has been fired and I am waiting for it to cool. Of course I put the samples on the bottom of the kiln so it won't be until late this afternoon before they come out. I will have to spend the day waiting and wondering....

While I am waiting and wondering, I will also spend it photographing new beads!I have been trying to get to this for ever, but I didn't want to do it until I had everything I wanted. Sometime in the next few days I will get the Etsy shop loaded up with some new work. I am going to add some standards back into the shop as well as brand spanking new work, that, by the way, I am super in love with!

Stay tuned, I will let you blog followers know first about the new work.
Have a great day,

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1 comment:

  1. A lot of thought and planning goes into your color choices, Miss Jennifer. That is cool to see! Can't wait to see what treasures await in the kiln!
    Enjoy the day,


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