
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Little Bit of This and That

  Hi! Sorry I haven't been around much... I spent the latter part of the week at the giftmart in Atalanta and then came home with a cold. I am on the mend again. I swear this weather going back and forth between warm and cold does not agree with my sinuses. And as for the giftmart...I will tell you more about that another day, I am waiting on pictures to tell you why I was there.

Fletcher and I ran our first 5k Monday. It was actually fun and it makes me think I want to run more.  Fletcher and I stayed at the same pace for most of the race and then when we had about a half mile left, he left me in the dust. That guy can run.

Today is a big studio day! I am excited to be working on new beads, in what seems to be forever. This year is my 15th year being a self supporting artist and it's my 10th year of making beads. I am thinking about bringing back some of my old styles for fun. Anybody got something they would really like to see? I am in love with the color blocking trend right now(how could I not be?) So I have some things sketched up and they will be made in clay by the end of the day. Stay tuned.

Alrighty it's time to get in there and get to you soon,

Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook, or Studio and Gallery


  1. I am looking forward to seeing what you are doing. Congratulations on 15 years! That is quite an accomplishment to be a self-supporting artist. You are a beacon for those of us who have aspirations. Enjoy the day, Miss Jen! Get well soon!

  2. I love reading about your productivity and creativity. It is very inspiring! Yes, get well...I'm having the same issues myself right now!

  3. I wish you a happy weekend!! Greetings Riitta Sinikka

  4. That gift market -- I've heard it's amazing!

  5. Good for you on the run!! I can't wait to see what you come up with. After spending all of my free time working on the house for the last 6 months I finally have some time to make some jewelry with your beads :)

  6. Looks like you have some amazing things on the go! Can't wait to see what you some up with!


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