
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dangly Jangly Earrings Tutorial, Holiday Project #3

Supplies Needed:
2    ceramic stacker discs
2    5mm x 7mm faceted glass beads
6    size six seed beads
2    10mm bead caps
6    2 inch headpins
2    3 inch eye pins
2    6mm silver spacers
2    ear wires

1. Start by stringing a seed bead onto a headpin. Make a simple wire loop at the top and trim excess wire. Repeat this process for the remaining five seed beads and headpins.
2. Open up the end of one of the eye pins and string on three of the simple wire loop that you just completed. Close the pin and set aside. Open the second eye pin and string the three remaining headpins with loops onto the pin and close.
3. String the ceramic bead, bead cap, faceted bead, and then silver spacer onto the eyepin in that order. Make a simple wire loop at the top and trim the excess wire.
4. Repeat step three on for the second pair.
5. Attach the and ear wire on each earring and your earrings are complete.

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