
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Sewing Patterns

  I have two new sewing patterns! Okey Dokey Owl and Lucy and Millie Mermaid. I couldn't be happier with the way they turned out. I just got them up on the website this morning. If you're thinking, "Jennifer, some of those fabrics don't look familiar to me", well stay tuned, I'll let you know why soon. In the mean time you'll notice that Lucy at the top of the mermaid pattern is sewn in Tussie Mussie. I've sewn Okey Dokey Owl up in all sorts of colors and fabrics and he has turned out cute every time. One of these days when all of my quilt market sewing is finished I'll take some pictures.

While I am mentioning new things on the website, I have started making button kits. These kits contain all of the button embellishments needed for my patterns. You can find them on the same page as my patterns.

If you're a quilt shop you can also find the kits and all of the patterns through E.E. Schenck and Checker Distributors.

Back to sewing for me! Have a great day,
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  1. Those are adorable Jennifer. I think I've figured out why I might like to try with the Christmas fabrics...a Jelly Roll quilt.

  2. Fun Sharon! You'll have to send me a picture...


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