
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School !?

Oh, my gosh, I can't believe my little munchkins went to school today! Man, summer went fast. This was my sixth, first day of school with my boys. I still get nervous for them, even though they couldn't have been more excited. I guess I need to chill out.

On the other hand, it's nice to know where they will be all day, every week. I started out this morning with that, "it's a new beginning" kind of feeling. I think I get more that way at this time of the year than at New Years. I'm headed into the studio today to make lots of new beads for they Etsy shop...can't wait. Falls beads, Halloween, oh my...

Talk to you soon,
Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook, or Studio and Gallery


  1. Whoa... we haven't even gone school shopping yet! Enjoy the day, and your creative time. Erin

  2. I hear you, it comes so early every year.

    Congratulations on getting the cover of rock!

  3. Wow, that summer did fly by!!! I think my kids are ready to go too. It definitely feels more like a new year at this time of year than in January! I feel the need to clean out and get organized...otherwise we lose homework and lunch money. Ha!


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