
Let's Connect

Hi, thanks for stopping by the blog. I'm hoping we can get together and have some fun.. Sign up here for the newsletter.

I send out weekly newsletters with free projects and new product updates.  You can get it by entering your e-mail address here. Don'y worry, I hate spam just like you, I promise never to share your address. You'll receive a link in your thank you for signing up e-mail. That's for three free pdf patterns. They are  the Whimsical Flower Pins, Pretty Bird Pincushion, and Ice Cream Sundae pin cushions. Please enjoy them.

We could also meet up on Facebook, Pinterest, or are the links. Be sure to drop me a line with your links so I can follow you as well, I would love to see what you're up too.

Click here to see all sorts of tutorials. I'm sure you'll find something you want to make.

Have a great day,


  1. Love all your "pretties"---bring lots of smiles :-)

  2. So cute, love all your stuff! I think you have a good sense of humor, like me!

  3. I noticed you have some of your beads in Michaels! Bought Lots for my granddaughter and I to work with. Looking forward to making a bowl pincushion with her.
    Thanks for your easy projects to teach our young girls!
    Linda Benton Justin, TX

  4. I love your bright stuff and your ideas!

  5. I have signed up for your monthly newsletter, but see no way to access my free pattern. How will I get it? Love the flowers and am eager to make some soon.

  6. would love to win the skinny quilt kit, love it

  7. I really love your work and the colors you choose. Your site made me happy! Thank you.

  8. I'm just in awe of your website and how you freely offer free tutorials of your wonderful creations. My husband has been trying so hard to get me started selling crafts but it's like I can't stay focused. He has furnished my craft room with everything & anything to do with sewing, jewelry, knitting, crocheting, I could go on & on. What do you suggest as far as getting started? I know I will never be a Jennifer a Jangle, just want to be creative & grow my confidence. I could use some of you advice because you're a hit girl! Keep on keeping on girl!

  9. Where can I get some of your fabric. I have looked all over the internet, but can't find a couple of prints I really want. Can you help me, I live in Kansas. Thanks


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