
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

DIY Retro Felt Ornament

Supplies needed:
Felt for bulb 5" x 10"
Felt for top 2" x 2"
Cording approximately 10"
Assorted trims at least 5" in length

The printable pattern pieces can be found here.

1. Stitch trims across the middle of the front bulb. Trim to match the edge of the bulb.

2. Place the two bulb pieces together and stitch around, leaving the top open. Fill the bulb lightly with fiberfill.

3. Place the two bulb tops so they are over the top of the bulb on each side. Knot the cord and place in between the two layers of felt. Stitch around the outer edge.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

No Sew Candy Ornament

Supplies needed:
Clear vinyl cut in to a  7" x 7" square
Fabric scraps
Styrofoam ball 2.5" diameter
Ribbon approximately 12"
Cording for hanging 10"

1. Tear or cut fabric into 1" strips. Wrap these strips around the ball to cover completely.
2. Wrap the ball in the vinyl just like a piece of candy is wrapped. Secure with a ribbon tied at both ends.
3. Tie the cording around one of the ends and knot to secure.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

DIY Sewn Ball Ornament

Supplies Needed:
2 scraps of fabric measuring approximately 6" x 6"
1 pom pom approximately 1.5"
1 tassel
Ribbon 16"
String or yarn approximately 10"

The printable pattern pieces can be found here.

1. With right sides facing, place two sets of ball pieces together of different fabrics. Sew down one side of the set. For the second set, sew down one of the sides as well but leave an opening in the middle for turning later.

2. Align the two sets together at the remaining sides. Sew all the way around the pieces.

3. Clip any curves and joins, turn right side out, fill with fiberfill and hand stitch closed.

4. Sew the tassel to the pom pom and the pom pom to the bottom of the ball.

5. Knot a 8-10" piece of yarn and tack to the top of the ball. Tie a bow and tack stitch at the bas of the yarn as well.

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Happy Holidays!


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