
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Chocolate Bunny Softie Pattern

Here's a fun little softie that would look so cute in an Easter basket. The best part is this chocolate bunny doesn't have any calories. 

You'll need the pattern pieces and they can be downloaded here.  Chocolate Bunny Pattern

For the body, I used linen but you could use a quilting cotton as well. 

You'll need:

1/4 yard body fabric
5" x 5" pink fabric for inner ears
5" x 5" paper backed fusible webbing
Ribbon and paper flowers (optional)

1. Trace the inner ears onto the paper backed fusible webbing cut out loosely and iron on to the pink fabric.
2. Iron onto the ears of the two body pieces and top stitch around.
3. Place the two right sides of the body pieces together and sew around the outside of the body, leaving approximately 3" open for turning.
4. Clip the curves, turn right side out and fill with fiberfill.
5. Hand stitch the opening closed. 
6. Tie the ribbon around the neck and tuck the flowers into the ribbon.


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