
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

DIY Applique Book Bag with Jennifer Jangles

Hello! Here's a book back I recently made up with the large Quincy and Maggie die from Sizzix. I am really happy with how it turned out. Don't you just love polka dots?

To make the bag, I cut two squares the size I wanted for the bag, plus 1/2" for seam allowances. While you're at it, cut two more for the lining. This can be from the same fabric or a different fabric. I appliqued the bear and the word "Read" onto the front of the bag. The "Read" I just printed out a really large version of the word typed from my computer. I did this in Photoshop, but you could use Powerpoint or Word just as easily.

Next I cut the handles. 4.5" x the desired length (mine were 16") Press in half lengthwise.

Open back up and turn the raw edges in and press again.

Fold back in half so the raw edges are hidden and top stitch down each side.

Next pin them facing down on each of the outer bag pieces.

I don't have a photo for these next few steps so place the lining down on top of each of the outer bag pieces. Align the top edges and sew across.

Next, open the pieces up and align the lining pieces together and the outer pieces together. You'll have a big rectangle at this point. Make sure the right sides are together and sew all the way around the outer edge, be sure to leave about 4" across the bottom of the lining for turning.

Turn right sides out, hand stitch the opening in the lining closed and push it down into the bag.

You're finished!


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