
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christmas Cake Embroidered Ornament

Looking for a small gift this season? Do you love making gifts and wish you had more time? Here’s the perfect gift to make if you are on the go.

You can find the pattern for the Christmas cake here.

Transfer your pattern using your favorite method. Once it transferred you are ready to stitch. The printable pattern has the stitch guide and floss recommendations if you want to stitch it exactly as shown.

To finish, first make sure the screw mechanism is at the top of the hoop, the fabric is pulled snug, and the screw is tightened.  Trim the fabric from the edges. You can glue a felt backing onto the hoop if you would like to hide the back of the stitching Tie a ribbon through the top screw mechanism. Hand stitch a bow onto the fabric just below the screw.

If you would like to try embroidery and don’t know where to begin, start here with my stitch a long.

I would love to see what you make, tag me on Instagram or post your project to my Facebook page will ya?


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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

DIY Dream Catcher

Dream catchers were made by Native Americans to catch bad dreams.


Embroidery Hoop, any size, mine is 6”
Fabric torn into 1” strips
2 Pieces of felt 2” x 5”
6 strand embroidery floss
Assorted beads and buttons
Glue or needle and thread


1. Start at wrapping the hoop with the strips of fabric. When one ends, overlap it with the next strip and keep wrapping. When you get back to where you started, wrap the fabric several times. Glue or stitch the end in place.

2. Take the embroidery floss and tie in a knot around the hoop.  Stretch the floss across to the other side of the hoop and wrap the floss a few times to secure. Continue stretching and wrapping the floss around the hoop. Stop every now and then to string on a bead or a button.

3. Cut out two feather shapes approximately 3" tall. Cut slits up each side to create fringe.

4. Take approximately a yard of floss, Tie it around the hoop at the bottom of the catcher leaving equal amounts of floss on each side of the hoop.

5. String a couple beads onto each of the ends of floss.  Trim the floss to where you would like it to end and tie a feather to each of the ends.

I would love to see what you make, tag me on Instagram or post your project to my Facebook page will ya?


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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Felt Wreath Ornament

Supplies Needed:

Sage green felt
Forest green felt
Red felt
Baker’s twine
Coordinating three-strand floss or embroidery thread

Printable instructions, pattern pieces and stitch guides can be found here.

If you like stitching this ornament,

I would love to see what you make, tag me on Instagram or post your project to my Facebook page will ya?


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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Journal Organizer Sewing Pattern

Journal Organizer

Cut your fabrics according to the measurements on the pattern piece.

1. Sandwich the batting between the two layers of fabric with right sides facing out.

2. Fold the scissor pocket in half to make a rectangle measuring 4 x 4 1/2” Sew around three sides, leaving an opening for turning. Turn right sides out and press. Arrange at the top of the organizer fabric and pin to secure.

3. Top stitch around the two sides and bottom.

4. Fold the pencil pocket in half to make a 5” x 6” rectangle with the right sides facing outward. Pin to the organizer so the raw edges align.

5. Fold the paper pocket to a 3” x 3 1/2” pocket so the right sides are facing outward. Align the raw edges.

6. Fold the binding in half with right sides out and press. Pin the binding around the outside of the organizer. Sew all of the way around.

7. To make the tabs, fold two of the side inward and press making the width of the tab approximately 1 1/2” wide.

8. Fold the tab in half. According to the grommet instructions, place a grommet in the middle of the tab. Repeat this for the two other tabs.

9. Mark where the tabs go on the straight side of the organizer. Pin the tabs so they are facing inward. Wrap the binding around the raw edges and hand stitch in place, secure the tabs as you go.

I would love to see what you make, tag me on Instagram or post your project to my Facebook page will ya?


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