
Friday, August 12, 2016

DIY Boo Boo Helper Cold or Hot Pack - Sewing Project

When my boys were little, injuries seemed to include a lot of drama, (drama as in dramatic acting). Actually, as I think about they still do sometimes! Bandages were always needed no matter how small the scratch was. Bumps always needed ice packs. And they always were hoping for a cast or crutches. Luckily, we have only had one crutch and one cast injury over the years. We are very lucky that most injuries were very minor. But this Boo Boo helper would have come in handy.

Since my boys are grown up now, I made this for my niece and nephew. My niece Hazel is posing here with her Boo Boo Helper.

The Boo Boo Helper is filled with rice and can be kept in the freezer for bumps. Because it's rice it can also be heated in the microwave for aches. And the best part, it looks like a giant bandage.

Here's what you need:

Bandage body fabric
Bandage lining fabric
Bandage center fabric
Paper backed fusible webbing
Coordinating thread

Pattern pieces can be downloaded here.

1. Trace the heart and the bandage center onto paper backed fusible webbing. Cut loosely around the outside of the lines, leaving approximately 1/4". Iron the fusible webbing to the corresponding fabrics. Cut out on traced lines.

 2. Iron the heart to the bandage center fabric. Iron the center fabric to middle of one of the bandage pieces. Stitch around the heart and down both sides of the fabric center.

3. Align the lining and the bandage fabric. Place the right sides together of both of the bandages. Sew around the outside using a 1/4" seam allowance. Leave a 3" opening.

4. Clip the curves and turn right sides out. Using a funnel or a spoon fill with rice. Do not overfill or the bandage won't bend easily. Hand stitch the opening closed.

Have a great day,

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  1. Can the Boo Boo Helper be refrozen or heated multiple times? Thanks!!

  2. Thanks for the free pattern! Adorable! The camper bag pattern is on my "must have" list! Your creations make me smile! Bright colors ROCK!

  3. I love this. I bought one similar when my kids were little, then again when my grandkids were little. Well, time marches on and it's time to soothe boo boos for my great-grandkids so I think I'll make one this time. Thank you for the pattern and the inspiration.

  4. I love all of your patterns and the whimsical way you use the fabrics! Thank you for this idea and free pattern. I plan to make one as well.


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