
Friday, October 24, 2014

Sewing Basics, Tying a knot for Hand Sewing

I have created a series of videos on sewing basics. If you have never sewn then hopefully these will get you started. 

I created this one with my husband in mind. Every time he sews a button on or a patch he asks me to tie the knot because he can't remember how to. Next time he asks I'm sending him to my tube channel. :)


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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Around the Block Booth Hop

Are you headed to market? If you are be sure to print this page and bring it with you....

Hope to see you there,

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Snowflake Applique Pillows, Holiday Project #2

Holiday Project two is coming at you today. It's a pair of appliquéd Snowflake Pillows. I'm thinking there needs to be a matching quilt in my house with these as well. You can find the printable appliqué pattern here. These two pillows are 16 and 18 inches. The appliqués are for these two sizes, but you could always play around with your print settings and make the appliqués larger or smaller to meet your needs.

In this tutorial, I'm going to give you the how to on the appliqué. There are loads of pillow making tutorials on the internet, as well as quilts, and bags, and anything else you could imagine putting a snowflake on so I will let you use your imagination on this one.

To create the large snowflake trace six of the dendrites(arms) , 6 end circles and the center onto the fusible webbing of your choice, I used Heat n Bond Lite. Cut out the paper backed webbing loosely and iron them on to the corresponding fabrics. Cut out the snowflake parts on the traced line, peel off the paper backing. Arrange the six dendrites so that the ends all meet up in the middle. Place the center circle over the top. At this point you can tweak where you would like the dendrites to be. Once you've got everything in place, iron the appliqués to the fabric. If you're making the large snowflake iron the circles on the top of the smaller circle on the outer edge of the dendrite.

To stitch the appliqué in place I did free motion embroidery around the outsides because that's my favorite stitch right now, but you could do a zig zag or button hole/applique stitch.

Stitch a button in the center and on each of the ends of the flake. When the appliqué is finished you can stitch up the pillow, quilt block or whatever else your making with the Snowflake Applique.

Pin it! Did you know if you hoover your mouse over any image on my blog you can pin it to one of your Pinterest Boards, that way you'll know where it is when you're ready to sew.

Have a great day,

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Quilt Market 2014 Sneak Peek #1 Bugapalooza and Jolly Holiday in the City

Hello Hello, Quilt Market is starting on Saturday! I am scurrying around the studio trying to get things finished up and ready for market. Yes, I will most likely be sewing on the airplane, I still have that much to do. I am super excited about some new things I will be debuting at market and so I thought I would give you a little glimpse at new things to come.

First up....New Fabric! I will have two new lines of fabric debuting at market. If you're a quilt shop or you want a quilt shop to get this fabric, now is the time to call up In The Beginning Fabrics and get your order in. If you are a sewer or quilter who is going to want some of this fabric, now is the time to ask your favorite quilt shop to order it.

 Bugapalooza will be in stores and ready to be sewn with in April. I've always been a big fan of bugs and for a long time were the main focus of my tiles and other art. So designing a line of fabrics with bugs and flowers was so much fun. There are several color ways and 28 fabrics in all. Here are a's a sneak peek remember?

The second line at market is Jolly Holiday in the City. It will be hitting stores in June. I have brought back my snowmen from Jolly Holiday, my first round of holiday fabric. This time the jolly little snowmen and snow women are ice skating and having fun in the city. There are 25 fabrics in this line.

It's back to Quilt Market prep for me!

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sewing Machine Decorations, Holiday Project #1

We are starting off the holiday projects this week, wahoo! I came up with this one about a month ago and got super excited about the idea. When I sat down to make the project I had so much fun, I know it's a good one when I am laughing and smiling through making it. I hope you have as much fun as I did making these.

If you're like me, you'll be doing a lot of sewing this season making gifts, decorations, and more. Well then, let's start by decorating our machine.  

Everyone's machine is a little different. I have two machines and they are both different in the way they hold thread, display information, etc so you might have to be creative in he way you decorate compared to how I did mine.

I wanted to make sure that my decorations did not hinder my sewing, so think of that when decorating. Your tree could always sit in front of the machine, get the picture.

It's like we've got three mini projects in this one big project this week. You'll find pattern pieces for the tree here and the wreath here. You can print them all on 8.5" x 11" standard paper. Here's what you'll need and how to make it for each project.

Stuffed Tree

8" x 8" green fabric
12-15 assorted buttons approx. 1/2"
Coordinating Thread

1. Cut out the fabric according to the pattern pieces.
2. Align the two straight sides of the cone shape. Pin and sew down the side leaving a two inch gap in the sewing. (You will use this for turning and filling later.)
3. Optional: Make a button hole in the middle of the round tree piece approximately 1" in length.
4. Pin and sew the bottom onto the tree. Clip the raw edges very 1/4" and then turn right side out.
5. Fill the tree with fiberfill. Hand stitch opening closed. Hand stitch buttons all around the tree.

6. If you did not make a button hole on the bottom of the tree, then cut a slit in the bottom of the tree approximately 1" if you're going to put your tree on the thread holder.

Note: Take a pencil or stuffing stick and push up in the hole to clear out some space for the tree to sit on the thread holder.

Wreath Ornament

6" x 6" fabric
7 buttons 1/4 - 1/2" diameter
10" ribbon
12" bakers twine
Coordinating Thread

1. Cut out 2 wreath pieces. Place the two together with right sides facing outward. Sew around the inside circle using a 1/4: seam allowance.
2. Fold the twine in half and tie a knot at the ends. Tuck the knotted ends into the wreath so it will be inside the wreath when you sew around the outside.
3. Sew around the outside circle leaving a 2" gap for stuffing.
4. Stuff the wreath,(you'll probably need to use a pencil or stick to help with this.)
5. With your machine sew the 2" opening closed.
6. Hand stitch the buttons and bow onto the wreath.


Assorted Scrap fabric

1. Cut a strip of fabric that is 1 1/2" wide, length doesn't matter.
2. Go back and cut at an angle to make a triangle. Cut as many triangles as you need using this method from your fabrics.
3. Leave a long tail of thread when you start sewing, sew across the top pf the first flag, place the second flag in front of the first and sew across the top as well. Continue this method until you have the length you need. Leave a long tail of thread again.
4. Using wash tape or another tape that won't leave residue tape the buying onto your machine.

Pin it so you can make it later.


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Monday, October 13, 2014

Holiday Projects

Hey Hey, can you believe it is that time of year again? I can't, fall is flying by. Make sure you signed up because in two days the projects will start coming once a week to your inbox. There will be projects for gift giving, decorating, and more. Also, since you'll be receiving my newsletters, you get the inside scoop on new products and discounts.

Are you asking where do I sign is up? Here at the blog or at my website at the bottom of this page.

See you in a couple of days!

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