
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Facelift to the Blog

One of my MANY to-do things for January can be checked off my list. I finished updating my blog. Of course, there are some things that still need tweaking but I think I have made it easier to navigate. If you're reading this in your reader you might want to hop on over and see it.

My favorite new feature...if you roll your mouse over a picture a little Pin pops up so you can click on it and pin it right away to your Pinterest. EEk! So much fun!

Let me know what you think,

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Monday, January 28, 2013

New Beads and Jewelry

New Work, wahoo! I have been having so much fun playing with color lately and here are the results. 

Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings, and Bead Sets.

These are all in the Etsy shop as of today. Spring can't come fast enough for me.

Have a Happy Day,

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh January

Oh January, I start out with so much gusto and have so many ideas. Why can't I get it all done the way I have it pictured in my head?

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Things Organizer

Good morning everyone. I am up early and excited to get working today. Yesterday, I had a GOOD day of working. I have a pile of prototype-half way finished-maybe patterns on my work table. Some of them I have sewn 20 times, seriously, and the piece does not turn out how I want it too. I tweak the pattern and come back to it. It's been driving me crazy. Yesterday, I felt like sewing so I came back to the pile, pick a few of the projects and started tackling them. I am so happy to say, I have three finished projects. Yippee! Two will be sewing patterns and one will hopefully be going to a magazine. I am feeling like super woman now. Well, at least in the sewing room.

Yesterday was a perfect example of how I am going to try working this year. When I'm waking up, drinking my coffee, and checking my e-mails I'm also assessing what I feel like doing that day. These days I find myself designing a lot. And you need to have your creative hat on when your designing. You know, you gotta be feeling it.

So yesterday I was feeling the's making beads and some other clay do-dads....

My break through got me thinking about Things. I have been meaning to tell you about it. If you have a Mac there is an app for your laptop called Things. I have been using it for about six months now and love it. It's a giant to do list. You know how I love making lists! Before I had Things, my problem was I had so many things going on that I would make a big list and it would be so long that a few days later I would have to make another and then another. It made me keep thinking of all of the things I needed to get finished. That's when I decided to look around at my options. I have always been a die hard pen and notebook carrying girl. I didn't like the idea of a computer list. But this is a list makers dream. You can categorize your lists. I have a sewing list, a design list, a holiday projects list,etc. When I think of something I need to do I can add it and then forget about it. If there's a deadline with the item, I can schedule it as well so it pops up when I need to get working on it. Feel like I can't describe how great this has been for me. It has freed my mind to think of other things besides what I need to do next. Unfortunately, it's not PC compatible or my husband would have it as well. I talk so much about how great it is. You can see it here.

Anybody else use things? or something else? Or got an good time organizing advice?

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Clearance Sale

Just want to let you know my clearance sale is wrapping up. I have lowered some prices on some items because, I really want some extra space in my studio. The sale is going to end Wednesday. If there is anything you want, grab it now before it's gone for good.

And a big thanks to everyone who has already helped me clear out some space in my studio. You guys are awesome!
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


                                                   Okey Dokey Owl pattern available here

Hey, Hey,

I thought I would stop in for a quick Hello.... I'm doing lot's of busy work and clearing this week so nothing really exciting to talk about. But there are things that have to get done. A few more days at the computer and then I am hoping to get to making something again.

Have a great day,

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Annual January Clearance Sale

Last year I barely squeezed my clearance sale into January. This year I am a bit more prepared. That's good because folks have been asking when it's happening. It's going to start this Wednesday morning. I will be sending out my newsletter that day to announce it. You can sign up at my blog or my website if you don't already receive them.

I have been cleaning up the studio to make sure I have everything I possibly can for this sale.

This year is definitely the largest sale I have ever had. I have been having this sale since 2006. It's the reason I opened my Etsy shop, I wanted to have a one of a kind and clearance sale. Wow that's a lot of years.

Okay...enough of memory lane back to the sale. You're not going to want to miss this one the stuff s CHEAP. I also have a lot of supplies from my gallery that will be mixed in. Wholesale buyers.... you can use your code for the sale as well.

Wahoo it's going to be a good one!

If you check in on Tuesday, the shop will be pretty empty, because I'll be marking things down. It will be full Wednesday morning, I promise.

Have a great weekend,

Visit my Website, Etsy Shop, Blog, Facebook

Friday, January 4, 2013


Hey, Hey, Before I jump into 2013 at full speed I thought it would be a good idea to look and back and see what all happened in 2012. There were big changes and it was the first year I ever chose a word instead of listing my goals. I have to say it was awesome and I have chosen another word for this year, but we'll save that for another year. This years word was Clear and boy did I do that.

The biggest clearing I did was my studio. I decided to simplify my studio, which was a big and painful decision. I let go my employee, moved out of my studio, and slowed down my button production. It was the the best thing for my stress levels and happiness. I still love to see pictures of my gallery.

Tussie Mussie my third fabric line arrived in February and Jolly Holiday arrived in May and Extraordinary World arrived in October. It was a fabulous year for fabric design. I LOVE LOVE LOVE designing.

I also got to debut a line of jewelry and handbags for Caffco in January at the Atlanta Giftmart.

Then with all of my clearing and feeling less stressed, we, really, I decided to add a puppy to the mix. That's when Rhubarb arrived.

It was good timing because I was moving my studio home.

I also did some sewing

Some beading

Some Painting

I can't wait to see what 2013 brings...a few things are in the works that I couldn't be more excited about.

I hope you 2012 was a good one...

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