
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Studio Shots

Hey, Hey,

It's been a whiles since I gave you a peek into the Jennifer Jangles Studio. Things are busy as usual around here. I have two humongous shows coming. They are still a few months off but I have to start planning now to make sure that everything gets finished. So I feel like this is the week of decisions. I am deciding what both of my booths will look like, what I will sell in my booths, etc.

So here is a look at most of the studio, glazing area in the front of the photo and store in the back. I usually take picture from the front of the space so I might be throwing a few of you off here.

Oh my slabroller, what would I do if I didn't have you?

Buttons, Buttons, Buttons, they will be shipping soon with the new fabric! EEEK!

There it is, my Quilt Market Booth. Lovely eh? I have been sketching and planning but until I can walk around in my ten by ten corner, I can't make a decision. I am such a visual person. The good news is once I set it up, I came up with a plan. I think it will be a good one. There is a ton of sewing to be done and I might have to ask for some help to get it all done. Plus, I will be the first to admit, I don't sew in straight lines. It's my style and it doesn't bother me a bit, but when you go to market and see all these other quilts and items sewn so perfectly...I get embarrassed. I am working on embracing my look and not worrying about the other fantastic sewers out there. Okay got a little off track there...

So there's the studio...what going on in your world? Got any good projects that you're working on? I would love to hear about them in the comments.

Have a great day!


  1. The one thing I learned by doing the bead soup blog party is that you need to ebrace what you are good at and don't worry about what other people are doing- because NO ONE can do exactly what you can- That is what makes each of us who we are. My gift is not your gift and your gift is not your gift. I am working on a free-form vertical netting necklace in know out colors.Alice's Beads and Baubles

  2. Wow you are busy! i love the shop! I'm actually trying to cut down on the number of things I'm involved in. But I am starting to plan my flower and vegetable gardens. I love growing things! : )

  3. I am working on hosting my first home showing of my jewelry. I have a full-time "day job" and am a mother to two small children so building my business is slow going. I hope to do some craft shows this summer also. I love to see what you are doing on your blog, it's so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes shots!

    Visit me on Etsy at or on blogger at

  4. have to be a very organized person to pull off all you have going on right now. I admire you, and I love it are a very very busy person for sure. I'm impressed beyong belief.

  5. Alice,
    That is so true. It's real easy to get caught up in what other people are doing.


  6. Valerie,

    Good to hear from you. I am planning my garden too. I have peas and lettuce sprouting in the garden as we speak. Good luck!

  7. Good luck with your show Krista, hope it goes well and you sell a lot!

  8. I am very for my next post. I will show you a picture of my new calendar. I love to plan and make lists....I know it's not right. :)

  9. Jen.....LOVE these pics of your studio! So inspiring...and it looks like you and the girls are staying busy! Busy is good! What you are doing is authentically YOU. Don't change a thing...keep on keepin' on!!!

    I'm currently working on getting a lot of my large pieces in storage painted up and out on the shop floor. Just finished a coffee table.

  10. Dori,
    I just love your furniture! Please show us on your blog...


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