
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Fabric!

Here is the whole collection of my Happy fabric. I love seeing it all together, now I just wish it could be actual fabric. I hate that I have to wait until September, I have no patience. So in the meantime I will plot and plan all my projects out in my head and make buttons so that way I am all ready when it arrives.

Have a great day,


  1. Jennifer, I am just so HAPPY for you! That collage of fabrics makes me want to do something with them! How about scrapbook papers next? (Although I am not a scrapbooker, I know people who are!) I can't wait to see what you do with this, and what others do too! Enjoy the day! Erin

  2. WOW!!!! that is going to be one beautiful and funky fabric line!!! You must be so proud! I cant wait to get some to work with!

  3. This is super fantastic colour and so you. I can see your buttons with this. Best of luck with the new line!

  4. This is just such a wonderful accomplishment! Good for you! I can hear your wheels turning all the way over here! Ha!

  5. I used to sew all my own clothes. (I wonder where I found the time?) I LOVE your fabic line! It's easy to visualize quilts made from these fabrics, but also I can see cutting out different shapes for applique. I'd love to sew a vest and skirt from some of these. Hey! Wait! Somebody STOP me! LOL

  6. Your fabric line is terrific. I have always enjoyed looking at your buttons and now have many ideas of ways to use them with your fabric. Congratulations on the the new venture.

  7. What an awesome addition to your collection! So excited to see what you do with it! Beautiful!

  8. OKay I just have to say I am SOOO excited to find that Lubbock, Texas would have your fabrics. Not a likely find here. And I have been on your mailing list for years. YEAH can't wait to find the perfect design for a little girl's outfit!

  9. Jennifer, you are amazing with your design creations, use of color and these amazing fabrics...which I cannot wait to make window treatments.....I have repainted the inside of my house and your fabrics will look awesome to complete each room.
    soooo excited!!!!
    You are the best. I wish fabrics could be ordered online wholesale when we don't have anyone local carrying them yet.
    Mary Anne Holloway
    springfield Illinois

  10. I just finished a tool bag with your fabric. adorable!!

  11. Thanks Jennifer for putting my bags on your blog. You are a doll. Aren't they cute? Quite popular.

  12. I LOVE YOUR FABRIC DESIGNS! Oh how wonderful and colorful. And your designs would make great scrapbooking paper fun and uplifting. Makes me smile **

  13. Where can we buy this? I love it. It makes me so happy.

  14. Jennifer,
    Your design ideas are out of this world, and all of your items are soooo sweet, I am using so many of your patterns and fabrics for Christmas presents this year. Only wish I had the blessings you have with design! At least God has given me the talent to make items using your products. Thank you so much from Linda Benton ,Justin , TX.
    Linda Benton

  15. Jennifer
    I'm so very happy I found your site. I was in Florida two years ago and came across this very cute fabric, so I bought some. When I got home I made several things with it. Now where DID I find that fabric????? I knew I would never find it as I should have keep the information when I bought it. Saddened I looked and looked but no fabric. Then by accident there it was!!!! It was your Happy fabric line and the one I bought was 1JHA3. I was hoping I had finally found it, but then I was kinda disappointed, because I couldn't order it from you. As least you give a list of who carries your fabric, so I guess I'm half way there. I sure will be keeping an eye out for your name in the future!!!


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