
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello everyone,
This just arrived in my mailbox and I am sooooo excited! It's the summer Studios magazine. Guess who's in it? Yep, me I have four whole pages featuring my studio. It is super cool. I love seeing where people spend their time creating and I was really honored that my studio made it into the magazine. Hope you get to check it out.

Have a great day, Jennifer


  1. I am been really tempted to buy this so it will be next after the house downpayment of course;)

    Funky Monkey Girl,

  2. Congrats Jennifer,

    I was unaware that this magazine even existed. I will have to find it. Way cool

  3. Wow! That's so exciting! Can't wait to get my copy so I can check it out!!! Way to go!

  4. I love getting that magazine! YOU ROCK JENNIFER!!!

    Can't wait to see it! See you in a few days at B&B!!!

  5. I loved your profile in here. Your studio looks so bright and inviting!

  6. I didn't know about this magazine either. I will look for it. I just spruced of my space recently and it feels so good.

  7. I found your site directly from the magazine article. Love it and I am from the athens area.

    My 15 year old daughter wants to paint her floor black - can you give me any words of advice?

    Teresa Atkinson

  8. Congrats!! It's great to see when someone else is getting their deserved attention.

    Your beads are great by the way.


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