
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bead And Button

I am off to the Bead and Button show. Here's a picture of my booth last year. It will be different this year. First of all I have a whole new display and lots of new beads, but more importantly, I have moved spots. I will be on the same aisle as I have been for the past six years but I will be up towards the front. The booth number is 1113. Hope to see you at the show.....

I will do my best to blog from the road but we all know how that goes :)

Safe travels if your heading to Bead and Button!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hello everyone,
This just arrived in my mailbox and I am sooooo excited! It's the summer Studios magazine. Guess who's in it? Yep, me I have four whole pages featuring my studio. It is super cool. I love seeing where people spend their time creating and I was really honored that my studio made it into the magazine. Hope you get to check it out.

Have a great day, Jennifer

Monday, May 18, 2009

Studio Saturday

Hey Hey, Saturday was mine at the Art Bead Scene Blog. I thought I would mention it because I know that some of my readers aren't aware that I am an editor there. Studio Saturdays are my favorite posts because you get to see in the studio, duh. Any who, I asked the questions about displays and if people liked to change their displays around as much as I do. The answer was a resounding "yes", Make sure you read the comments for the post, there are some really great ideas if you are looking for display inspiration.

Have a good one,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Seed Beads

Went to a bead show the other day and got some more of the great old looking seed beads that I had in my Etsy shop. These will be with some new pendants at Bead and Button.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A week has gone by?

I can't believe that I haven't posted for a week! Geez, where has the time gone? I know...I have been making beads. So I don't go so long next time without posting, I am going to do a series of really short posts with pictures. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words, right? I have to say there is not much for me to blog about right now, it's all about production. Here we go today's pictures.....

A Daisy from my flower garden

My new artwork, that my oldest drew for the second grade art show at school

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beads, Beads, Beads

Whew... I have been making beads non stop for three days now. Only three weeks left until Bead and Button, so this is a major production time for me. You see every year I swear that this is the year I will do it different. I will start early making my stock and I will have plenty of beads for the show. Well this year is no different from the past, I am working at full speed to get beads made. But I have to say, I am super excited about some new stuff that is coming out of my head right now. I have all kinds of new ideas and the result if that will be at the show. I also, got my new sheet of stamps yesterday! Oh I love some of those too. EEk! I wish I could show you my beads but there's nothing completely finished yet. Next week is glaze week so hopefully by the end of it I can give you some sneak peeks.

Okay I am off to make my large cup of coffee and hunker down to make some more beads today......everyone have a good one, Jennifer

Monday, May 4, 2009


Hey Hey...
I finally got these new vessels photographed. I made up some samples for my Ceramic Beads and Vessels class at Bead and Button. We made them at my Miami class last month and they were a hit. We had some really great pieces come out of the kiln. In the class we are making vessels of all types but these beads are starting blocks for many more ideas. My favorite is the top photo....I am going to make more of these for sure.
This is a rattle, it's got metal inside to make noise.

Hollow pod

Amphora with lid