
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good morning,
How is everyone? I am still waking up and having coffee but I thought I should post now. Today I am finishing up a very exciting order, after I get back from my morning walk. Fusion Beads is going to carry my new beads on their site. I am super excited about this opportunity because they are really great people and they have really great beads. I have been working on these new beads for quite awhile and today the last load goes in the kiln. And.... I figured out that I can watch movies on my laptop(I know, I am slow) so I have a bunch of documentaries lined up and ready to go. I subscribed to one of those online movie rental places and I can watch movies online. I am looking forward to my day of glazing and learning interesting things.

Okay, so back to my beads....that's what we're here for, right? I have posted a picture of some of my new pieces. I will post more tomorrow and hopefully I will even have some on Etsy tomorrow. We will see how things go.

I would love to hear what you think about the new stuff......


  1. Jen, those are stunning!!!! Love them!!! It's always fun to see what you are stirring up next. Have a great day! -Dori

  2. Hi J!
    THESE ARE SUPER! They speak to me, more than any of your other beads. Oh I am so excited to be able to purchase these from Fusion. I love that website too. I just wish they took paypal!

  3. Oooh, congratulations! Your beads are gorgeous!

  4. Hey Jen, this is Teresa (Scott's wife...IU...remember me?) :)

    I want to congratulate you, not only on getting in with Fusion Beads, your latest good news, but also on how well you're doing in your business! I still remember your mosaic pieces well, but I sure do adore your much so that I bought your book. :) I've been playing more with clay lately since the boys are taking ceramics regularly.

    Funny enough, I came across your site in a round-about manner: the pottery forum newsletter mentioned the Beads Of Clay blog whose last entry was on your new book!

    Anyway, just wanted to say HI! to you, your dh (I don't know if you keep his name off your blog or not; I tend to keep family names out of mine, just in case), and the kids. Take care!

  5. I finally found you! I bought beads from you at B&B in Milwaukee about 5 years ago...made a watch bracelet from your brights and get so many compliments have wanted to make more !
    I thank you for your is my greatest passion in life and your beads make it happen for me.
    Will get back to you soon w/ an order!!

  6. Thanks everyone for letting me know what you think!

  7. Teresa, It's good to hear from you! It's funny how you came about finding me. I like your blog, it was fun to see all of the produce. I did some earlier posts on our garden too. It's big, but not as big as yours. Next time we are in Bloomington maybe we can get together.

  8. Jennifer,

    WOW! I hope Rings & Things will carry these amazing beads of yours some day!

    at Rings and Things

  9. Me too!
    Thanks Dave for the nice words, I appreciate how Rings and Things stays on top of whats new in the bead world. Thanks for checking in and seeing the new stuff.
    Have a great day,


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