
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2008 Bead and Button Show

Hello There! I am back....Just barely though. We got home late last night. I am starting to unpack and getting things back in order. I really hate living out of bags so I have been working hard to get back to normal around here today. Above are some shots from the Bead and Button show. I will have more later, plus I want to show you my great finds and what I made in class.

All in all, the show was a great success and a ton of fun. I love getting together with beady people. While I was in Milwaukee I got to teach two ceramic bead workshops, debut my book officially, and sell some beads, I was on the go the whole time. I loved meeting some new people and getting to see some of my great customers in person. It's always nice to put a face with a name.

I hope everyone who was at the show made it home safely. Milwaukee had some terrible storms come through while we were at the show. You'll be hearing more from me later....

Have a great day,


  1. Your booth and beads looked great at the show. Getting back must have been an adventure for everyone. It took me 26 hours to get out of that airport. But, it was worth it, loved every minute of B&B.

  2. Your Wednesday bead-making class was wonderful! I am looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labors!

  3. Thanks everyone, I love the Bead and Button show. It's so much fun to see everyone and meet new people. I made all of the backdrops and tablecloths for my booth. I love to sew.


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