
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

DIY Apron Sewing Project

Fabrics needed:
Pocket 1/3 yard
Apron front 1/3 yard
Apron back 1/3 yard
Ties 1/3 yard
Trims length at least 12" for pockets and 27" for apron

One piece of fabric 31” X 10”  for the pocket
Two pieces 12” x 26.25” in two fabrics for apron front and back
Two pieces 4.5” x 42”(for 84" tie adjust to desired length)

1. Fold the pocket in half with right sides together to make a 15.5” x 10” rectangle. Sew down each of the two longer sides. Turn right sides out and press.

2. From the fold measure in 5” and sew trims across at this measurement, if desired.

3. Fold the apron at 6” from the fold on to the remaining pocket fabric. Press and top stitch along each side to secure. Find the middle of the pocket and top stitch up the middle as well.

4. Stitch trims along the bottom edge of the apron front, be sure to be at least 1” up from the raw edge.

5. Place the front and back apron pieces together with right sides together. Sew the two sides and bottom using a 1/4” seam allowance. Turn right sides out and press.

6. Fold the apron fabric in half to find the center. Center the pocket on the apron front, and align the raw edges. Set aside.

7. For the tie, fold one of the lengths in half and cut. Sew the three lengths together at the two short ends with the longest piece in the middle and the two shortest on the outsides. Press open. Fold the tie in half lengthwise and press.

8. Open up the tie and fold in all of the raw edges a 1/2” and press. Fold back in half.

9. Find the center of the tie and align it with the center of the apron. Insert the apron into the fold of the tie. Pin to secure the apron into the tie and then continue pinning the tie all the way along the edge. Op stitch the tie and all side.

10. Using the whimsical flower pin pattern, make a flower pin embellishment if desired.

Happy Sewing,

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