
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Owl and Button Bracelet

As promised! Here are the step by step instructions for the Owl and button bracelet I gave you a sneak peek of yesterday. I have made several of these now and they are super fun and easy. I just added some owl pendants to the Etsy shop and I am thinking I could make a necklace in this style as well.

Have fun,

  Supplies Needed:
1mm cotton cording 20" in length, 1" ceramic owl button, 1 large ceramic flower button, 5 assorted 3/4" ceramic buttons, 6-8 asst. vintage buttons with shanks, approximately 30 asst color size 6 seed beads

 Start by threading the cording through the button so there is an equal amount of cording on each side of the holes.

Tie a knot just behind the button holes. Approximately and inch after the button, tie a second knot. Thread a button onto one cord and tie a knot directly behind it.

Note about knots: I used whatever type of knot seemed to fit the situation, there's no right or wrong knot.

On the opposite cord of the first button, string on a ceramic button. To do this slide the cord through the back of the button and then back through the front. Tie a knot. On one cord string a few seed beads. String a vintage button on the remaining cord.

Continue stringing buttons and seed beads, making sure to tie knots in between adding items. When you are about to reach the halfway point in the bracelet, even up the stringing on the cords buy adding seed beads and then tying a knot. This time string both cords through the back of the flower, out the front, and back through to the back.

Continue stringing the bracelet as you did the first half of the bracelet until you reach the desired length. Tie the two ends together.

Tie a second knot approximately and inch further down. Before pulling the knot snug, be sure the owl button will fit through the hole.

String a bead on each cord and secure with a knot. Trim the excess cording.

 Enjoy your bracelet!

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sneak Peek

Coming tomorrow, a tutorial, new buttons, and more! Watch your inbox for my newsletter. You can sign up on the right side of my blog, if you're not signed up yet.
Tall to you soon,

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sewing with Tussie Mussie

 Hey Hey! I have been sewing like crazy. I wanted to get samples made of all of my sewing patterns. Here they are in Tussie Mussie.

I'll do a little posting in between the patterns, I feel like I haven't talked to you. I have had lots of deadlines lately and so I have to avoid anything online while I am working so hard. But now things are being sent off and I am finding more time to check some other things off of my list.

I has a ball sewing with my new fabric, there are so many different options for colorways. There are lots of oranges, blues, and greens in the line as well. As you can probably tell from my sewing, I really like the reds.

This might be my favorite version of Rhubarb yet. I used red velvet ribbon for her hair and laces. Love it!

I am working on two new sewing patterns today. I am tweaking, editing, photographing, and more they still have some time before they head off to the printer. Hoping to have them by then end of April. Fingers crossed, that it all goes smoothly.

Have a great day,

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day

Hello, Hello,

Did you know it is Pi day? The number the one the starts with 3.1415926535 and keeps going forever? Fletcher's 5th grade class is celebrating it today so, of course, we needed to bake cookies. We did our best to make Pi cookies.

Happy Pi Day!

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Necklace and My Boys


I feel like I have been non existent lately. Trust me, I am still around.I am wrapping up what could be my favorite fabric line ever. It has been a blast to design. I can't wait to show you, but as usual, it will have to wait. The deadline is this week to turn it in, and I am getting close to burning those files on a disc and mailing them off, but I still have some tweaking to do.

I had a crazy morning getting the boys off to school. Nik will argue that I don't really do much in the mornings, which most days is true. He gets them in and out of the shower, makes their lunches, and gets breakfast on the table. I come in for second shift which is making sure they are packed up and on the bus. Sounds easy, right? Some days it is, but today, they were rotten. Fletch only wants to wear basketball pants these days and today is picture day. I was insisting on jeans. Birk however, is usually my easing going child was trying to sneak toys into his bag. I caught him and things went bad. In the end he lost a lot of privileges had to sprint to get on the bus. The funniest moment was when Birk, who is eight, said, " I am almost, almost, almost a pre-teen, you should let me do what I want". 
There's a sound argument. 

Okay now on to pretty jewelry...

I made another necklace, this time I went with an eclectic look. Those are African trade beads with a bunch of different assorted dangle hanging from all of those loops. It was a lot of fun to put together.

Have a great day!

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