
Saturday, August 7, 2010


Good Morning,

I cannot believe how many things I found in my garden today. This cute little caterpillar was on my Celiosia. So was the bee, these flowers smell like honey so I guess that explains why he was there.

Then I took about twenty pictures to get this one of the butterfly. I had to though, it was so pretty.
This guy is about four inches long and I almost ran into him. I am so happy I saw the web at the last minute. He was guarding my blackberries. Yikes!

I then had a fun surprise. I thought I had this gigantic vine that is seriously 30 feet long and growing along my fence of cucumbers. I completely forgot that I had panted birdhouse gourds. I have a hundred or so of these little starts on the vine. I found a couple of big ones too. I am much more excited to see gourds, I don't like cucumbers enough to have that many. Not that I know what to do with that many gourds. Got any suggestions? I would love to hear them.

Happy Saturday!


  1. I have seen gourds decorated and painted for Halloweèn - imagine that you could design some lovely ones. Depending on how many you get, perhaps invite some of your son`s friends for a decorating party or donate them to their classes or a nursery school for a fall project - the gourds would make great heads for funny faces.

    Are you going to have new beads in your shops soon? I recall seeing a lime green pendant in one of your shots for B&B (about the same time as the starfish pendant) but haven`t seen anything like it for sale.

  2. Thanks! That's a great idea to paint faces and Halloween. They would be fun on the porch.

    I am planning on adding lots to the Etsy shop this week. I will make sure to get some lime pendants in their too!

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Love the photos of the flower and the caterpillar and the bee and butterfly...I would have ran in the opposite direction when I saw the spider...yuck ohh!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Beth, I did a pretty good jump when I saw the spider, he was big. I saw a black widow tonight for the first time and I didn't like her either. Spiders down here are scary!

  5. I love your blog and work. I have left you an award on my blog.


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