
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Water, Water

Hey Hey,

I got to go to the Aquarium this weekend. I was having a hankering for fish, not eating( I'm a vegetarian) but viewing. I love the colors and shapes of fish, sea plants, etc. I played like I was a really good mom and was taking the boys. But secretly, it was for me. The boys did have fun too.

It's funny how I am having a love hate relationship with water right now. I am still dealing with my wet basement. My studio is still a wreck and we're going on six weeks now. Some companies have come out to see it. It's the water table, we have had insane amounts of rain and our house is built into the side of a hill. It just happens that it's my studio that gets the water. I am really ready to have my studio back to normal.

Of course, my studio is going to have to be repainted because they will be ripping out drywall to fix my problem. I am already thinking of some new colors and a new layout. I am going to take this opportunity to improve on things. Of course when this all happens I will blog about it. Unfortunately, in my area, they have so many basements with water it will be another month before they can come to my house.

Alrighty, here are some of my pictures from the aquarium... I am off to make beads and glaze beads. If you have ordered beads recently, they are in the kiln and coming soon. Wahoo!

Look the penguin is wearing a bracelet!

I almost forgot to mention, Free shipping at the Jangles Website all month long.

Have a great day,


  1. Hey Jen! Beautiful pictures! You are lucky to have such a wonderful resource nearby! My children's fave is always the penguins. They are so much fun, and apparantly, well accessorized as well!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I just wanted to say hello! I found you through Cindy (sweet bead studio) and I am so glad I did! I love your ceramic beads they are so fun and cheerful! I have to go heart your Etsy store and hopefully being ordering a few things soon!
    I love the penguin wearing the bracelet, but my favorite pic is the crab being all "crabby"!

  3. Welcome to the blog, Cindy!

  4. I love going to the Aquarium for inspiration, the colors the patterns, and artists inspiration heaven! I especially am always in awe of the lionfish, deadly but beautiful!

    I wanted to Congratulate you Jennifer, you have been nominated for the Sunshine Blog Award! I know you are busy now but accept it when you can, no rush and the award button reminded me of your colorful beads!

    Thanks for having such a wonderful and interesting blog!


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