
Friday, January 8, 2010

Studio Clean Out Sale

Hey Hey... Finally got my stuff together and came up with a plan about this Clean Out Sale. I worked hard this morning editing photos and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So now I am happy to announce my clean out sale will begin Tuesday the 12th. I am planning on getting things all loaded into the Etsy shop by 10:00am.

If you haven't shopped my annual first of the year clean out sales before....oh boy are you in for a treat! I go through my studio and fins all of the beads I have made throughout the year. (There are loads). There's nothing wrong with them, they just didn't get added to a project, or a kit, or in some cases I am just too lazy to find a spot for them on my bead table. Instead of hanging onto these beads, I would much rather send them on to you. The prices on Etsy are the sale prices so to make it fair for everyone I won't be adding them to the shop until Tuesday morning. Once they are gone they are gone, so get ready!

Have a super great, and probably cold, weekend!


  1. Good luck with your sale, Jennifer!

  2. oh yeah- it is cold here in Mi. It is 9 degrees and that is COLD!
    My son had just his hoodie on last night when we went out- I think he is Crazy!!!


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