
Monday, January 25, 2010

Everything is Broken

Everything is broken around here. Why is it that it always happens all at once? I told you about my leaking wall, it is still leaking. I am living with it, but then my computer crashed! It's less than a year old and it has always crashed and I spend a couple of hours on the phone and we get it fixed. Guess what? Not this time, broken until at least Tuesday night when my new software arrives and can be installed. I also have the Geek Squad booked for Saturday just in case the software doesn't do the trick. I am not taking any chances here. Okay it gets espresso machine is a gone-er. I have a mocha every morning to wake me up, not today. It broke and then I took it apart to try to fix it and now it is even more broke.

I could keep going on because there are at least four other costly repairs to be done here, but I will spare you having to read about them all. It's the coffee and the computer that are the real problems. I am typing on my 1990's computer that we have set up for the boys. That means I do have Internet so I can communicate. Orders will be going out this week with hand written invoices, and a trip to the post office for stamps.

Being the eternal optimist that I am,I see my lack of a computer as an opportunity. I plan on taking my usual computer time and finishing up my jewelry for the Buyers Market and catching up on orders and other non computer things. Around the house this weekend we cleaned like crazy and did some home improvements that we could handle so we didn't become haters of our house. There are much bigger problems out there and I am lucky to not have to deal with them. If I disappear from the Internet world for a few days, I just wanted you to know why....

I am off to the coffee shop for my mocha, and then to the post office for stamps,


  1. Been there and done that before..having weeks like that but it is still no fun. Keep your chin up as from the sound of it you will. I lost my computer Christmas eve due to a nasty virus. I went into serious withdraws with out it for about two weeks. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

  2. sorry about the computer troubles... they can be daunting... get your morning routine going - i know i get antsy if my machine is working but i have run out of coffee! just a small ritual that can really throw you when it is off...

  3. I like what you do with your lemons, Miss Jennifer!
    Enjoy the day!

  4. Tracy,
    I don't think I could handle two weeks without my computer! Yikes...glad it all worked out.

  5. Maire,
    Yes, it's a routine and having to get dressed and go get my mocha is not part of it. I am going ot order my new machine now, so hopefully it will only be a few days longer.

  6. Thank you Erin,
    I am starting to get a complex though, I just went to the allergy doctor and I couldn't get my shot because their computers were broken! I might be spreading my unluckiness to others. I'm going to hide out in my studio now.
    Tomorrow will be better,

  7. If you've ever read Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara, who survived tremendous events in the story, would say, "After all, tomorrow is another day." I like your attitude. I look forward to seeing you at the Bead and Button Show this year!

  8. Wow - total melt down at your place. But yes look at the bright side - you now have extra time to finish those projects, it is amazing how many hours a day we spend looking at all of the crafty goodness on the internet. And you get to trip around to get your morning fix - not sure how I would go if my internet dies and the coffee machine broke - they are my two staples every morning as well. - Hope you are back up and running soon.


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