
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December, December, December

Did you know saying the name of the month three times before your feet touch the floor on the first day of the month will bring you good luck for the whole month? That is the truth according to my six year old who learned it from his teacher this year. We all did it this morning so I will keep you informed on how it goes.

So wow! It's December. We had frost this morning, I saw Nik out scrapping his windows before work. It made me happy that I just had to walk down stairs to get to my work. No scrapping for me. I can't believe this but I saw that we have a chance for snow this Georgia.

Above is a picture of my light display. We have been putting them up for over a week now. I decided to go all out this year with the lights. We live down a hill and it's pretty dark with all of the trees in the yard. Well, I put up every light we had and Nik came to see what the boys and I have been working on. He said, " That's going all out?" That was the wrong thing to say to me, we have been married so long he knows how to get me going . The challenge was on! The boys and I went out last night and bought more lights and a couple blow up things. We put them up and we were sure Nik wouldn't say it again...but he did. He's right, we still need more lights. I will keep you posted on the progress.

Happy December!


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Your house looks beautiful! And I love those jars you made with the beads on top. I just love your beads! =)

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    Your house looks beautiful! And I love those jars you made with the beads on top. I just love your beads! =)

  3. Your house looks so cute! Love all the lights!!! PLEASE say you are kidding about snow this weekend- I will be outside all weekend for the Craftstravaganzaa! You and the boys should come by :)

  4. Jennifer! Your house looks great! I can tell you enjoy the season!

  5. The lights look great! I really want to put lights up but since we just bought a house we're trying to pay off debt. And there are some jewelry tools I need once my studio is set up!


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