
Monday, August 3, 2009

My finds

Just wanted to show you the picture of the really cool beads and cabs that I got while on vacation. I got to go to The Beadin Path, I love that store. I remember buying beads there on another vacation and it was before I made beads. I am a sucker for the vintage lucite because of the colors. Hopefully I will get some cool things made up with these cabs soon.

School starts for us on Wednesday! I can't believe it is happening so soon. Summer went by so fast. I will be sad to see the little boogers go back to school. On the other hand, I can't wait to get back on a regular work schedule. I have been fitting things in whenever I can lately.

Have a great day everyone....



  1. Wednesday, as in August 5th!? Wow! We don't start until Aug 26th and that is early in these parts (the public schools start after Labor day!) Enjoy the return to "normalcy" and have fun with them boogers in the meantime!
    Enjoy the day!

  2. We get out in mid May, so I think we get just as long a summer as everyone else. It's just hot here so we get out early to have nice summer weather and when it's too hot to do anything else, they go back to school.
    Have a great day,

  3. Jennifer, I love your finds! Enjoy your new routine. It does seem early, but in MN the kids, by law, cannot start until after Labor Day. Yes, it is the law. The poor people on the calendar committees had trouble this year with that one. I guess all's well that ends well. Enjoy the end of summer.


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