
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like....

They start tomorrow! To kick off my holiday season, yes I am kicking it off this early, I've got some Christmas music playing and I am drinking a peppermint mocha. I usually reserve drinking these until the day after Thanksgiving. I like to get my first one after my early morning of shopping after Thanksgiving. But I thought what the heck, who says you can't drink them year round?

I know I am a bit crazy, but I love crazy Christmas shopping crowds, holiday baking, throwing Holiday parties, and wrapping presents. My inner Martha Stewart comes out this time of the year. I am just so happy to have a job where I can share my crazy holiday love with you. I have lots of projects planned, new beads to debut, give-aways and special things planned for the next 10 weeks and then probably more.

I need to go and put the finishing touches on my first newsletter, update the website, and drink my peppermint mocha......

Have a good one,.....oh wait!

Happy Holidays,


  1. Noooo, say it isn't so! I still haven't finished making my son's Halloween costume yet! Seriously, though - looking forward to more cute holiday projects!

  2. You are so adorable! I bet Christmas is a blast at your house! Hope you are doing great! -Dori

  3. Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly! Wow! After our HOT summer, I'm ready for some Christmas Cheer. You go, girl! Love those beads!

  4. Hey Dori!
    You can come on over to my house for Christams, it's fun. You know we have the tacky sweater party just like your store does. Well I got a book, Merry Kitschmas, got some great decorating ideas from it, like the cocktail weiny tree. You will have to check it out.

  5. Melissa,
    I know I have jumped over Halloween, I will come back to it because I also have costumes to make. Nobody here knows what they want to be.

  6. When I was writing this holiday post, it was 86 degees here! Ha Ha


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