
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Sale

There are some holiday beads left in the Etsy shop so I put them on sale today. They have been marked 50% off. I will ship them out right away so you will have them a few days after you order. I won't be adding any more holiday beads to the Etsy shop this year, so get these while they are in stock.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sneak Peek and Dates

Good day!

I want to apologize for my setting up the studio there have been some technical difficulties. Nik and I, well really Nik is still trying to get the computer up and running at the studio. It shouldn't be too long and I will be back to blogging and e-mailing.

Things are super busy around here. I have several big orders that I am trying to get out before the holidays. Another reason for my absence....

I thought I would give you a sneak peek of some new work. I am working on some new beads and kits for January. This is all you get for now, come back in January for more. I can't wait to show you, I think you will like it.

As for the rest of this are the dates you need to know. Last day for website orders is December 17th, that's this Friday! Wow! Etsy orders can be placed all the way until December 21st. If you're placing an order late and you want it in time for Christmas, you might have to pay some extra shipping. I will e-mail you if that is necessary.

Jangles will then be closed from December 23rd- January 2nd for the holidays. I need a break after the year I have had!

I promise to post more studio photos as soon as the computer is up and running.

Have a great day,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Studio Move - In

So this is what last Friday morning looked like. I was lucky that Nik and a couple of friends helped move everything to my studio. They piled it everywhere. My job was to come in on Friday and get it organized. Friday is usually my design day, but sometimes other things take priority like getting settled in the new studio.

Here is the view looking the other direction. The good news is I have moved studios so many times that I am pretty good at knowing where things work. This move in started with a bunch of piles. I basically sorted boxes into display, making, glazing, jewelry, etc.

Here are some of my piles.

This is our glazing station. This is where we spend most of our time. We all have our own table and then an extra for setting things. Recognize all of my blue tables? They were my walls at Quilt Market! I had eight of them and they make perfect work surfaces. I placed some on smaller tables and some I made saw horse bases for.

Here is my jewelry and retail area. My tables don't have legs yet, I was just trying to decide where they should go. These are all the photos I have for now. I have been working a bit more everyday but we have been making buttons and beads as well as organizing and hanging. My computer came in yesterday and I got a new utility sink that needs to be hooked up. I have curtains to make as well. When I head over today I will take pictures of the progress I have made.

I don't want to loose the post of my sale at the top of my blog so here is the information again about my two day online open house going on now.

Hey, Hey, So starting today I am hosting an online open house. Wahoo, there's a big sale going on. It's running right now until the end of Saturday. Here's what's on sale. Everything in both Etsy shops is 30% off. Just enter Holiday30 in the coupon box when you check out. Everything is on sale at the Jangles website for 20% off. At the website you can enter Holiday20 to receive your discount. If your placing orders at both places I am always happy to ship your orders together to save on shipping. Etsy items are in stock, website beads will take a little longer to ship. Sorry this sale can't be combined with any other discounts.


Hey, Hey, So starting today I am hosting an online open house. Wahoo, there's a big sale going on. It's running right now until the end of Saturday. Here's what's on sale. Everything in both Etsy shops is 30% off. Just enter Holiday30 in the coupon box when you check out. Everything is on sale at the Jangles website for 20% off. At the website you can enter Holiday20 to receive your discount. If your placing orders at both places I am always happy to ship your orders together to save on shipping. Etsy items are in stock, website beads will take a little longer to ship. Sorry this sale can't be combined with any other discounts.



I am going to be doing several posts over the next few days so check back in. I will be showing some more studio progress in the next few hours.

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Studio Progress

Hello, Hello,

I have been wanting to show you studio progress all week. I had to wait because of the timing of the Ornament Blog Hop. But now that we are back to regular blogging, I can show you what I have been up too.

Today I will show you my paint and boy there was lots of it. I have plans for more but I need to get in and get settled before I go doing anymore. In the past I learned if you paint a flower on the wall then it's not fun to put shelves in front of it later when you decide on a better lay out. I did the basics for now. We are all in the studio and working this week so we are learning the best layout. I have to admit we are pretty spoiled with the amount of room we have.

Okay...back to paint. I didn't want a lime green, a turquoise, or a yellow. Those are the colors of my house. The whole point of the studio is to separate my work from my personal life. Not like that's really going to happen but you know, you gotta try. Reds and oranges would be to crazy for me so I went with a purpley blue. A periwinkle, a delft, a it what you want. I have been loving purple lately but purple might be too much too. I love it during the day with all of my daylight. At night when it's just the flourescent lights, it a bit too lavender for me. But I shouldn't be there much at night anyway, hence the separating work and life from above.

Of course I couldn't just leave it at that. I had to paint some stripes.... These puppies are just up front where the store and bead area will eventually be. More on that later....

Here's the door from my office into the main studio. I love it!

Here's my's a bit too circus looking for me right now. I think I am going to have to tone it down. The walls were blue and I couldn't handle it so I just started painting...hee hee I will deal with it later. Got to get a desk in there first.

Stop back tomorrow, I show you what's happened since painting and I will be announcing a big ol Holiday Sale you won't want to miss.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Art Bead Scene Ornament Blog Hop


Hey, Hey,

Today is the hop ! For those of you who are just tuning in, Art Bead Scene has organized an ornament blog hop. Below you will find a list if links. Start at the top and start clicking, each link will take you to a handmade ornament made with art beads.

Here is my Poinsettia Ornament. You might recognize the poinsettia as one of my holiday pendants. It has a loop on each side for stringing. I took advantage of these loops for the arched hanger. I used 24 gauge red craft wire and some assorted red, white, and green beads. I started at one loop and twisted the wire to secure it. From there I started weaving, twisting, and adding beads. I used a couple of pieces of wire so I could get some cute spirals along the way. It was super easy. I think it would be just as cute at your desk or on your wall if you didn't feel like hanging it on a tree. You could make the arch a bit longer and hang it off a doorknob.

I added some poinsettia pendants to the Etsy shop this morning. I made sure to include all of the supplies for the ornament so it's a one stop shop. I even made the mini kits a special price for today...just in honor of the blog hop fun.

I hope you enjoy hopping around all day, I know I can't wait to see what everyone has made. Make sure you stop by the blog this weekend for my special open house sale. Starting Thursday and running through Saturday there will be lots going on.

Happy Hopping!

The blog hop participants:


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ornaments Galore

Hello, Hello,

I just decorated my tree so I have ornaments on the brain. I decided to pull out as many ornaments photos I could. Next week the Art Bead Scene is hosting an ornaments blog hop. Stop by here on Thursday, December 7th for the scoop. It should be fun! I will have a new ornament to show you.

This week is craaaa-zeee. It's studio moving time. Which means that it's also house re-do time. Yesterday I started painting the studio. I forgot my camera so I will have to give you a sneak peek later. I have more additions to make to the walls in the next few days. But because we are moving out of the basement studio tomorrow night, that means we will once again have a rec room. We have plans to get a new floor, paint, build bookshelves, and more. Crazy amounts of things to do in such little time before the holidays. But, if you haven't figured this out bu now, we Heynen's are crazy like that.

Oh and I have jury duty all week! What timing, eh?

Enjoy the ornaments, I will blog again soon with all the updates.....