
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bringing in The Back-ups


Today is pretty much it for getting ready, my Friday is booked with appointments. I have a big fat kiln load of beads just waiting to be made into jewelry. Plus piles all over my studio. I can't believe I will be showing you on Saturday what my studio looks like. You won't believe it. Anyway...there is no possible way for me to do it all by myself. Well, I could do it by myself, but I wouldn't sleep much and I don't give up sleep. I need my 8 hours or I'm grumpy. So I asked a few friends to come over and help string today. They are arriving soon and so I need to start lining up my beads so we can all get started. I am super excited to have some help. I will take lots of pictures today and post them all tomorrow along with my display items too. Make sure you come back!

Have a great day,


  1. Sounds like fun, wish I could join in!! Hmm, webcast beading parties...that's a thought! Good luck with the show, your pieces look fabulous so far!

  2. How great it is to have friends like that! I wish that I had those friends for my show coming up in a few weeks...but then again, I am not sure what I would have people make since I never know myself what I will be making! {And if I were in your neck of the woods (neck, get it?) I would SO be there to help you!}
    Enjoy the day!


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