
Monday, August 31, 2009

The projects just keep coming...

A big thank you for all of you who cleared out my Etsy shop this weekend! It's almost empty, wahoo! I have beads in the kiln today that will be making into the Etsy shop in a few days. The shop won't stay empty this long.

I keep finding more and more projects with the new disc beads in them. This is a quilt I am working on. I started embellishing it this summer while on vacation. I would still like to add more beads to it, but I just haven't found the time. One of these days.

The quilt is a mix of cotton quilting fabrics and velveteens. I distressed some of them with ink. I added my embellishments and some small beads and crystals. I need to finish this quilt so I can start on another one. I won't allow myself to start another yet. I have probably three sitting around, some from a really long time ago. Oh...unfinished projects....

Have a happy Monday!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Etsy End of Summer Sale

Buy Handmade

Hey, Hey...

I am having an end of summer sale in my Etsy shop. Gotta get ready for fall and Halloween, you know. The sale runs through Monday, August 31st, 6:00am. It's a BOGO sale! If you buy one item at regular price you get a second item at equal or lesser value for half off. If you buy two you get two for half off and so on and so on. This sale is for retail only, wholesalers you will receive your usual discount.

I have marked some items down and the are in the sale category in the shop. The BOGO sale still applies for those items too. It's like a sale on top of a sale. Yahoo!

Get shopping now, things are going quick.
Have a great day,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shopping Bag

I really wasn't planning "101 uses for my new embellishments" but it's kind of turning out that way on my blog. Over the past six months, I have made a bunch of projects with these beads. I told you I loved them.

Here's another...a reusable shopping bag that I made. I bought the bag, even though you could sew one. I painted some white swirls and designs on the bag. Next, I cut out some felt flowers and decorated them with some stitches and sewed them on. I sewed the flowers on using a bead in the middle to hold them in place like a button. It was super easy and fast. I made my friend one too, but I am thinking I should make some more for gifts...the holidays are coming.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Jangle-ly" Frames

Good morning...

I showed you a frame I made the other day with my new embellishments, here are a couple more. They are a little bit more "Jangle-ly" I painted the frames up all funky and then used my glue gun to add the embellishments. I love these, they make me smile.

It's been really busy around the studio these days....lot's of glazing to do today.
Back to work for me...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Embellished Frame

Hello, Hope everyone had a great weekend...

I mentioned the new embellishment/beads that I added to my website last week, I thought I would show you a few more projects made with them. Today I thought I would show you the picture frame I made.

I bought a unfinished wooden frame and painted it black. After the paint dried I went back over the edges with a little sand paper to give it a worn look. I put a coat of sealer on it to make it more durable. After my paints were all dry I took four circle embellishments, 8 disc beads, and some wooden beads to the hardware store. There I found some nails that fit through the holes of the beads and extended a half inch beyond the beads when fully inserted. I took them home and arranged the beads on the frame. Next, I got out my hammer and nailed them into the frame. Yep...hammer and ceramic beads... The wood beads that I used help absorb the shock of the hammer. I did not break a single bead in the process.

Have a great day,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Free Necklace Project

Hey, Hey,

I am super happy to be included in the current issue of Cloth Paper Scissors. I found this magazine about a year ago and became hooked on it right away. Whenever I am on a car trip, I bring all of my back issues to look at. I never get tired of them. Of course, all that reading about mixed media inspired me to do a little crafting of my own. I have a wall hanging project in the magazine featuring some of my beads and others. I also have a free necklace project online at Cloth Paper Scissors. If that wasn't enough to make you go out and buy this magazine. They had a charm swap with their readers and there are photos of he charms that readers made. There are some super cool charms . I am just bummed I didn't know about it or I would have been swapping too.

Totally off the subject here...I keep forgeting to mention two things:

1. My shipping rates at the website have been lowered.

2. My newsletter signup has been fixed. The ten holiday project newsletter start at the end of September so now is the time to sign up. It's the only way you will get the projects. Tell your friends!

I hope everyone has a great weekend,

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Elements

Good morning,
I know long time no blog. I have been busy in the studio making beads and filing orders. I have had several requests for the source of this lime green chain. I totally understand, it's super cool. I saw it and bought it immediately. I am a sucker for anything lime green. I bought it at the Bead and Button show but I have found it online from the same gals and My elements. They have some other great rings and "elements" that work really well with my beads. It's the same place I got my tubes for this bracelet.

Have a great day,

Buy Handmade

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Link Beads

I just added some new links to my website. I thought I would show you what I made with them. This is a necklace with objects and my new links. I have started making them smaller than the original links I have always made. These measure about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. The small size makes them very versatile. I have used them in earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.
You can see them here on the website.
Have a great day,

Buy Handmade

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Big Sale!

Hey there, just wanted to let you know about a sale I am having. It has started and runs through Monday. All ceramic beads and kits at the Jangles website are 20% off. Wahoo!

Happy Shopping,

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kiln Load

Hey, Hey,
This is always what happens, I get something new out of the kiln and I am super excited to show you. But, of course, I haven't photographed it yet. I got to open the best kind of kiln this weekend. It was one full of new stuff and experiments. I was happily surprised at many things. Unfortunately, I can't show them off yet. A lot of it was for my holiday projects and then there were some snazzy new Halloween pendants. All of which has to wait just a little longer to be debuted. Oh, but hang on it will be worth your wait.

I am out to the studio for another long day of glazing, more new stuff for the kiln and quite a few orders.
Have a great day,

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Please be my Friend

Okay, like I don't have enough to do on the computer already... I just joined Facebook. On the Art Bead Scene last month, I got called out because I didn't have a Facebook page. I am usually a bit behind the times. Well, I sucked it up and joined. It's not that I haven't wanted to, it's just that I knew it would be a fun distraction. I am still trying to figure out everything, but for now my name is Jennifer Heynen Jangles. Please look me up and be my friend.

Have a great weekend,

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Work

Good morning...
Lot's going on in the Jangles studio right now. I just don't have anything to show you. You have to wait and be surprised. But I can give you a hint and say I am working on some new holiday beads. Halloween and Christmas. It's that time of the year again. I always start planning my ten holiday projects in August. I am excited about some of my ideas for the fall. I guess this is the time I should say, if you're not signed up for my newsletter, you should do it now, you wouldn't want to miss anything. I will be sending out one next one next week. Anyway, I will be out in the glaze studio all day working on getting the new stuff painted. Maybe I will have to put on a little Holiday music.

I put some new beads on Etsy last night. The fall beads above are one of the listings. You can see them here.

Have a great day everyone,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Peace and Quiet

It's the first day of school here. The boys are on the bus and off to school. I can't believe they are already in third and first grade. We met their teachers yesterday and we were really happy about both meetings. We think it will be a good year. So I am sitting in my very quiet studio again...

Quiet, except for Otis, who remembers from last year when the second bus goes by, we go for a walk. He keeps coming to check on me to make sure I remember that we are walking today. It's nice to be back in our routine. I am excited to get back to work full blast again. I have big plans for a stocked Etsy shop by next week, newsletters, projects, and more! Stay tuned, Jangles is revving up!

Have a great day,

Monday, August 3, 2009

My finds

Just wanted to show you the picture of the really cool beads and cabs that I got while on vacation. I got to go to The Beadin Path, I love that store. I remember buying beads there on another vacation and it was before I made beads. I am a sucker for the vintage lucite because of the colors. Hopefully I will get some cool things made up with these cabs soon.

School starts for us on Wednesday! I can't believe it is happening so soon. Summer went by so fast. I will be sad to see the little boogers go back to school. On the other hand, I can't wait to get back on a regular work schedule. I have been fitting things in whenever I can lately.

Have a great day everyone....
